
Melania Trump Revealed What Her Be Best Campaign Will Focus On In Its Second Year

by Monica Busch
Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

On Tuesday, FLOTUS celebrated the one year anniversary of her formal platform and shared her plans for how it will continue to grow. Speaking at the White House, Melania Trump outlined Be Best's second year, announcing that she plans to develop two of the platform's three pillars, in particular.

"As I said at my campaign launch one year ago, I’m here with one goal, which is to help children reach their full potential so they can grow up happy, healthy, and contribute positively to society and the world," Trump said, per video footage shared on social media by the White House.

Be Best, which the first lady unveiled one year ago, includes three main pillars: promoting child well-being, fighting opioid addiction, and encouraging healthy social media use. On Tuesday, she said that she would work on expanding the aspects of her plan that deal with opioid abuse and social media.

Insofar as opioid abuse is concerned, the first lady said she wants to expand her platform to focus on opioid abuse to include children of all ages. (CNN reports that Be Best initially focused on born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.) And insofar as social media goes, Trump says she wants to pay particular attention to promoting online safety, not just healthy use habits.

"When it comes to the next generation of leaders and citizens, I know know we all agree that work still need to be done," Trump said during her remarks. "If we listen to our kids — whether its their fears, interests ideas, or concerns — we can provide them the support and tools they need to try."

During her speech, Trump recounted a number of the places she has traveled to as part of her work with Be Best. This has included schools, hospitals, and a multitude of companies, as well several different countries abroad. She also said that she is planning another international trip in the fall, but did not say where she would go. She explained that the details were still being worked out.

Trump said that, one year out, her platform remains stalwart in its endgame. Be Best, she said, "continues to have one goal — which is to educate children and parents about the issues they face and promote programs and services available to help them with today’s challenges."

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Overall, Trump outlined a vision for Be Best's second year that included renewed energy and increased focus on the program's main tenets. On Tuesday, she emphasized that she remains just as committed to the platform as she was when it launched a year prior.

"I will continue to travel and speak to children directly about some of the challenges that they face every day," Trump said. "I’m committed to visiting more schools, hospitals, organizations, and companies to promote Be Best, and speaking to children around the country and world about their ideas and concerns."

Although the first lady has received criticism for some aspects of the Be Best campaign, particularly with regard to healthy social media usage, all signs on Tuesday indicated that she remained largely undeterred.