
The Royal Wedding Won’t Give Brits The Day Off & It’s Not Going Over Well

by Stephanie Downs
Chris Jackson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Kensington Palace has finally released the date of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. The two are set to be married on May 19, 2018, which happens to be a Saturday. That means that the United Kingdom won't have a bank holiday (aka a day off) for their royal wedding. And, as BuzzFeed notes, many British people aren't happy about it.

This wedding date news comes after the Palace previously stated that the pair would get married sometime in May 2018. The adorable couple also confirmed that they would be making things official at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, where Harry's father, Prince Charles, and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, wed in 2005.

Harry and Markle's wedding date seemingly bucks tradition since royal weddings typically take place on weekdays. Harry's brother, Prince William, his father (for his wedding to the late Princess Diana), and grandmother Queen Elizabeth all got married on weekdays. This was a trend people were banking on for this upcoming wedding because it may have prompted a day off. Unfortunately for them, there's no reason to call for a bank holiday now since their nuptials are on a Saturday.

Many people took to Twitter to let Harry, Markle, and the world know how displeased they are by this wedding date news.

No Longer Rooting For The Pair

Some Twitter users take their bank holidays very seriously. This user is done with all of the royal wedding hoopla after the news that Harry and Markle are getting married on a Saturday.

They Just Want A Holiday

This user also isn't here for this news. It doesn't sound like they cared too much about the wedding, they just wanted a day off.

Michael Scott Says It All

This user had a gif of Michael Scott from The Office say everything about how they're feeling about the lack of a day off of work.

Interest Level Zero

One user said that they were only into the royal wedding news because of the potential day off. And now that there isn't one, they're over it.

Disappointing Day

Another person took the news personally and said that the future bride and groom let people down by not having their wedding on a weekday. Guess they really wanted that day off.

What's The Point?

This user took things to the extreme when they questioned why there are royals at all if they can't get their bank holiday. So, they probably won't be tuning in to the wedding on May 19.

Lost Their Support

This user said that they can't support Harry and Markle's wedding because it's on a Saturday.

Is Friday An Option?

User @OfSelina just wanted that "random bank holiday" and came up with the idea for the nation to take off Friday as a consolation. It's an interesting idea.

A "Childish" Decision

One user even went so far as to call the decision to have the wedding on May 19 "childish". They were really not here for the lack of a bank holiday.

Other Date Options

Victoria Fritz, a presenter on BBC, also wanted the bank holiday. And since the royal wedding coincides with the FA Cup Final, she suggested May 21 (a Monday) as an optional date for Harry and Markle.

In case you couldn't tell, some United Kingdom residents weren't thrilled about not having the bank holiday. Well, you can't please everyone all of the time. But even though it isn't a day off, it will surely still be a thrilling day for anyone who does still want to watch the wedding.