Valentine's Day Date Ideas To Try, Based On Your Significant Other's Sign

Planning a date night for your partner might be a fun activity any other time of year, but when Valentine's Day rolls around, the pressure to plan the perfect romantic evening can be overwhelming. If you've yet to make any concrete plans for February 14 — and you're certainly not alone if that's the case — looking up Valentine's Day date ideas for each zodiac sign is a great place to start your date-planning.
Of course, someone's birthday doesn't necessarily dictate their specific likes and dislikes, but each zodiac sign does have its own unique set of shared traits, and there's the potential to learn a lot about your partner simply by reading up on their astrological sign. Instead of making reservations at your same old go-to dinner spot, planning your Valentine's Day date based on your partner's sign is a smart, simple way to find something that your partner will be totally blown away by.
If you want to plan a creative, thoughtful date for your partner but have no idea where to start, here are a few fun, romantic date ideas for each Zodiac sign, according to an astrologer. But just remember: you know your partner better than anyone, so as long as you're planning your Valentine's Day with them in mind, they're sure to love it.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Go To A Chic New Restaurant, Attend Opening Night Of A Play
According to Linda Furiate, an astrologer who specializes in relationships, Aries loves being the first to try anything new — so whatever you do, make sure your V-Day plans are as fresh and hip as your date.
"Take them to that new chic restaurant in town, to opening night of a Broadway play, or sprinkle them with lavish samples from a new designer’s product launch party you were privy to be invited to," Furiate says.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Book A Couples' Massage, Visit A Winery
If you want your Taurus partner to have the ultimate romantic Valentine's Day experience, Furiate says your best bet is to plan something that gets all their senses involved.
"Taurus has a strong need to physically feel what he or she experiences," Furiate says. "Book a couple[s] massage at their favorite spa, explore a local winery or two indulging in a high-end vintage bottle of wine... [or] make dinner reservations at a nostalgic 4-star bistro where each menu choice and live music selection can arouse and stimulate the senses."
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Explore An Art Gallery, Attend A Book Signing For Their Fave Author
The perfect date for your Gemini bae? Anything that gets both their mind and body moving, like meandering around a local museum or taking a walking tour of the murals and street art in your city.
"Geminis love activities that stimulate the mind and offer a sense of movement to get them revved up and excited," Furiate says. 'Explore a local art gallery or museum, attend a book signing of their favorite author, [or] take a romantic ride on a trolley car."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Recreate Your First Date, Cook A Romantic Comfort Meal At Home
For nostalgic Cancer, the ideal Valentine's Day is anything that evokes happy memories from their past — so recreating your first date together is one way to really make them swoon.
"Cancers radiate in the comfort of home and family or anything the reminds them of their past or younger years," Furiate says. "Plan a day trip to the beach, prepare a lovely romantic dinner at home, or surprise them with a family gathering as you take a trip down childhood memory lane."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22): Watch The Sunrise Together, Schedule A Private Wine Tasting
According to Furiate, Leos love being singled out and feeling special, so make sure your Valentine's Day plans are both romantic and intimate.
"Be adventurous by chasing a sunrise or sunset," Furiate says. "Find a wine bar for a private wine tasting, or start any date or activity with a box of chocolate[s], a single rose, and a small gift of appreciation."
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Help Them Redecorate Their Home, Take A Romantic Nature Hike
Easy-going Virgo isn't hard to please, and Furiate says that even on a romance-focused occasion like Valentine's Day, Virgo prefers to make a more practical use of their time with their partner.
"If your partner is a Virgo, for a fun date night offer to spend time to reorganize the furniture for a room they are redecorating, enjoy a simple yet deliciously healthy meal at a fresh foods market, and follow that up with a brisk walk or hike in nature," Furiate says.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): Stroll Through A Quaint Village, Have A Heart-To-Heart About Your Relationship
According to Furiate, Libras are all about simple elegance and love to feel a special one-on-one connection with their partner, so it won't take much to make them happy on V-Day.
"A way to please your Libra date is to take a drive to a nearby rustic village to stroll through the local vintage shops hand in hand [then] take [them] to a quiet secluded area just to chat about your relationship and all that makes your life special together," Furiate says.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Go Shopping Together, Visit A Market To Pick Some High Quality Dinner Supplies
Sensual Scorpio loves to feel an intimate, sexy connection with their partner, so Valentine's Day is the perfect time to pick out something new or indulge yourselves by cooking a high-end aphrodisiac meal.
"[Scorpios] love getting cozy and sexy," Furiate says, suggesting a shopping excursion to pick up something that makes you feel sexy, along with a trip to a market to taste test and hand select dinner.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Have A Night Out At The Casino, Go Rock Climbing
Luckily for anyone dating a Sag, pretty much anything you plan for Valentine's Day will be met with enthusiasm by your adventure-loving partner.
"There may be no need to plan much for your Sag lover," Furiate says. "[They] will show up primed and ready for any adventure at the spur of the moment. A first trot may be to a local casino to bet on the horses as they cast their luck, then off to a rock climbing session to expel some fiery energy."
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Stay In For A Quiet Dinner/Movie Night, Plan A Double Date With Another Couple
According to Furiate, the quiet, reserved Capricorn prefers a no-frills Valentine's date — so a night in watching documentaries is plenty romantic for a Cap.
"Great date ideas for your Capricorn lover is an early dinner [and] a quiet movie," Furiate says. "A good documentary or foreign film hits the spot. Since Capricorn may tend to be more reserved and quiet they may enjoy sharing the evening with another couple."
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Visit A Science Center, Do A Couple's Astrology Reading
The ideal date for rational, intellectual Aquarius is anything that gets them thinking or allows them to discover something new, Furiate says — so make sure your Valentine's Day date provides plenty of learning opportunities.
"A fun and romantic activity for your Aquarian partner might be a brisk stroll through the Science Center or Air and Space Museum, or a late afternoon lunch at a hip new restaurant or microbrewery," Furiate says. "You may also want to consider having a couple’s astrology reading. The key is to keep the conversation flowing by chatting about your combined experiences and how something scientifically works."
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20): Go On A Relaxing Spa Retreat, Spend Time With Friends & Family
According to Furiate, Pisces is easy to please, as long as they know their loved ones are happy, healthy, and fulfilled — so to Pisces, planning to spend time with friends or family on Valentine's Day might be even more romantic than having ~alone~ time.
"Take [Pisces] to a faraway spa or mountaintop retreat," Furiate says. "Walk the labyrinth and stroll in nature followed by a meditative session as you gaze into the meandering waters of a flowing river or rushing waterfall. Or simply share sacred space surrounded by family, friends, and fellow worshippers as you engage into the Oneness and simplicity of all of life."
No matter what sign your partner is, there's a simple trick to help you make sure this Valentine's Day is one to remember: all you have to do is plan your date with your partner in mind — and don't be afraid to pile on a little extra romance in honor of the occasion.