'SNL' Gave Kellyanne & George Conway's Relationship The 'Marriage Story' Treatment
After its Dec. 6 release on Netflix, Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story immediately sparked heated conversation around its devastating plot points that lead to a couple's divorce. Now, a Saturday Night Live parody of Marriage Story has taken those debates to the next level. Scarlett Johansson, who stars in the film, portrayed a couples therapist in a sketch called "A Conway Marriage Story," featuring Kate McKinnon as Kellyanne Conway and Beck Bennett as her husband George T. Conway.
The sketch pokes fun at the polarizing relationship between the counselor to President Donald Trump and her husband, who vocally disapproves of Trump. According to CNN, George has said Trump is "guilty" of being unfit for office, has questioned his mental health, and in a recent op-ed for The Washington Post, he wrote that Trump is "a racist president." This divide in his marriage has garnered much public scrutiny and marvel, and the president himself has tweeted about it.
In a March 20 tweet, he called George "VERY jealous of his wife's success" and "a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!" Kellyanne and George have also been known to tweet directly at each other with opposing views, as displayed here:
In "A Conway Marriage Story," Johansson's therapist character asked the couple to share the things they admire about one another. “She works so hard for her boss, even though I hate his guts," Bennett's George said. McKinnon as Kellyanne continued. “He always leaves his coffee mugs around," she said, referring to his collection of anti-Trump drinking ware. "He actually always tells me what he thinks about me to my face.” The sketch then cuts to a scene of them at dinner, where she reads a tweet from him that says "Anyone who works for Trump is a demon."
Bennett as George said he even loves their fights, which queued a flashback to a screaming match that resembled the meme-worthy scene from Marriage Story. In the fight, McKinnon's Kellyanne complained that George introduced her to Trump, and reminded him that he wasn't "even verified on Twitter."
It may not be nominated for six Golden Globes like the film, but fans of the show found the sketch funny, and McKinnon's Twitter line got them thinking. "why doesn't @gtconway3d have a blue check mark for verification," @marehair on Twitter wrote. While @GoodHumorGrl on Twitter called the bit "absolutely spectacular."
It seems SNL fans agree: if Baumbach is looking for sequel ideas, the Conways' marriage could be an interesting place to start.