
14 Obama Dad Jokes

by Margaret Judson
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If there's one thing you can't have too much of in your life, other than leaders who respect the Constitution, it's dad jokes. We've enjoyed ample examples of dad jokes during Barack Obama's presidency. He's become known for his sense of humor and not taking himself too seriously and being up for a good pun — critical dad joke requirements. He has a history of breaking out the best dad jokes at Thanksgiving, but that's not the only holiday that's worthy of his middle-aged jokes. They've made appearances at his annual Hanukkah event, and he's also made the quintessential dad-joke comments to trick or treaters on Halloween.

There are many things to miss about an Obama presidency and, frankly, to make one worry about a Donald Trump presidency. From the threat of losing healthcare to concerns about an onslaught of anti-choice restrictions, it can be hard to think of things to laugh about now. It also doesn't help exactly lighten the mood in the room that the incoming president has a history of stoking racial, ethnic, and social tensions (a Quinnipiac poll from late August found 59 percent of voters believe "the way Donald Trump talks appeals to bigotry.") Still, let's remember the good times when there were mic drops and slow jams and naturally, dad jokes.

1A Dad Joke For The Festival Of Lights

In 2010, Obama said, "This is our second Hanukkah party today, but in the spirit of the holiday, the White House kitchen has not run out of oil" Dad jokes ... for every occasion."

2"Yes We Cran"

At his final turkey pardon, Obama said, “When somebody at your table tells you that you’ve been hogging all the side dishes, you can’t have anymore, I hope you respond with a creed that sums of the spirit of the hungry people: Yes we cran.”

3Time Flies Even If Turkeys Don't

Heh. This line from his 2015 turkey pardon is pretty much perfect.

4No Way I'm Cutting This Habit Cold Turkey

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In his last White House turkey pardoning, Obama joked, “What I haven’t told [my daughters] yet is that we are going to do this every year for now on. No cameras, just us every year. No way I’m cutting this habit cold turkey.”

5If You're Named After A Side Dish ...

On turkeys "Mac" and "Cheese," who were pardoned in 2014, Obama said: "Let’s face it, if you’re a turkey, and you’re named after a side dish, your chances of escaping Thanksgiving dinner are pretty low. So these guys are well ahead of the curve. They really beat the odds."

6Trick Or Treating

You know when you're little and it's Halloween and you go house to house the dad commentary is so lame but you love it anyway because it makes them so happy? Watching Obama react to a high-five from "Superman" is that times ten.

7Corny-Copia Of Dad Jokes On Thanksgiving

In his final turkey pardoning ceremony ever, Obama promises a "corny-copia of dad jokes" and let's just say he delivered.

8Gravy Train To Freedom

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At the 2016 turkey pardoning, Obama said, “I want to take a moment to recognize the brave turkeys who weren’t so lucky, who didn’t get to ride the gravy train to freedom ..."

9Proved They Weren't Chicken

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This year at the turkey pardoning, Obama was really at the top of his game with dad jokes. He praised the turkeys " ... who met their fate with courage and sacrifice and proved that they weren’t chicken.”

10"Everyone knows that Thanksgiving traffic can put people in a fowl mood."

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Obama went hard on the dad jokes in the 2016 turkey pardoning: "And so let's get on with the pardoning. Because it's Wednesday afternoon and everyone knows that Thanksgiving traffic can put people in a 'fowl' mood."

11Fed Up

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"Actually [Sasha and Malia] just couldn't take my jokes anymore. They were fed up," said Obama of his daughters when they were unable to attend the last turkey pardoning of his presidency in 2016. Perhaps, it was a throwback to the 2014 side-eye debacle when the girls couldn't take the dad jokes anymore.

12Make Sure Everyone Has Something To Eat On Thanksgiving ...

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This was another 2016 turkey pardon dad joke gem. "We should also make sure everyone has something to eat on Thanksgiving. Of course, except the turkeys, because they're already stuffed."

13No Room For Leftovers ...

"Look, I know there are some bad ones in here, but this is the last time I'm doing this, so we're not leaving any room for leftovers," Obama chuckled in 2016. This statement wasn't actually a dad joke. As this list shows, no dad joke stone went unturned in his final turkey pardoning.


TOTUS. You cannot top it. When Dad-bama coined the phrase TOTUS (that's Turkey Of The United States) for Abe of the Honest and Abe Duo in 2015, he may hit peak dad jokes.