35 Of The Best Signs From All The Sister Marches Happening Today

There's no better way to kick off 2018 and re-energize before the second year of the Trump presidency than with the second annual Women's March. One year after the first Women's March, people have again taken to the streets to march in different cities nationwide — there's even hundreds of sister marches being held across the world. Though the numbers of how many people marched won't be clear until all the rallies over the weekend finish up, people are reporting large crowds, with 250,000 people showing up to the Chicago march alone. Inarguably, one of the best parts of the Women's Marches taking place around the globe are the signs, artwork, and inspirational messages that people share. Whether the message is funny and punny, or poignant and powerful, marchers come up with some of the coolest posters. We've rounded up 35 of the best signs to already coming out of the Women's March 2018, but you can be sure there'll be more to come as the weekend goes on.
Tomorrow will be all about the government shutdown, but today is about celebrating how far many of us have come, and what our movement still needs to accomplish. The Women's March may inspire you to reflect on what you can personally do to make you feminism more intersectional this year, and can help inspire you to set goals as an activist. Who knows — maybe you'll take inspo from these signs for all the other marches, rallies, and demonstrations you'll attend this year, right?
1What Would RBG Do?
2Activism Runs In The Family
3To White Feminists:
4These Kids Are NOT Messing Around.
5ICYMI, The Government Shut Down Last Night
6*Clap Emoji* *Clap Emoji* *Clap Emoji*
7Trump With His Trademark Lunch
8This Message Couldn't Be More Clear
9Because Girls Run The World
10A Subtle Dig At This Administration
11Harry Potter Is Feminist AF, Too
12If This Isn't The Truth...
13"Decriminalize Blackness"
14No Human Is Illegal
15*Gasps In Spanish*
16Absolutely. Adorable.
17A Betsy Devos Burn For The Ages
18Marching For Disability Rights
19Because White Nationalists Have No Place In The Women's March
20This Sign Stands Against Islamophobia
21This Sign Stands Against Rape Culture
22A Tribute To General Organa
23A Reminder Of What A Real Witch Hunt Looks Like
24*Mic drop*
25Because The Women's March Is For All Women
26How We All Feel, TBH
27Because Sex Workers' Rights Are Human Rights
28Netflix And Extremely No Chill
29"Trans Inclusive Feminism Always"
30Marching For Change
31Bilingual Puns For Days
32Because It's Never Too Late To Start Your Resistance
33"We Stand Together"
34Taking Inspo From The Past To Fight For The Future
35OK This Is Dangerous, But...
There are thousands of people marching across major cities in the U.S. today and tomorrow, and hundreds more of them with brilliant, clever, and feminist signs. Whether you're at home or marching today, these awesome signs are nothing short of fuel for your future activism, no matter what form it may take.