
Let These Hillary Clinton Signs Inspire You

by Laken Howard
Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Unless you've been living in a bubble devoid of social media, you're probably well aware that huge numbers of people across the U.S. gathered Saturday to participate in the Women's March on Washington and protest Donald Trump's inauguration. And what's a massive, inspiration-packed protest without tons of empowering protest signs? The underlying message of the Women's March — respect, equality, and inclusivity for all — is super important, and even the most hilarious protest signs prove that things like strength, humor, and love overpower hate and intolerance any day. But I gotta say, these Hillary Clinton Women's March signs are some of my favorites.

Naturally, many who are unhappy with Trump as POTUS are even more upset because his win meant the loss of Hillary Clinton — who could have been the first woman president. Even though she's not going to be our leader for the next four years, many who were marching still found ways to show respect and continued support for Clinton. Her iconic feminist quote — "women's rights are human rights" — is short, sweet, and to-the-point, so naturally it has found its way onto many people's signs. And as if you needed more reason to feature her on your sign, Hillz has already tweeted her support of the Women's March.

Here are some of the very best Hillary Clinton signs at all the Women's Marches. If you need me, I'll be recreating these and hanging them all over my bedroom for inspo to get me through the next four years.

1The Only Superlative That Matters

This is actually making my heart melt RN.

2Stay Nasty, Ladies

Seriously, this is your time.

3Madam President

Courtesy of Halima Nur

Bonus points for his kickass shirt.

4Women's Rights Are Human Rights

These words continue to resonate.

5Women Can Stop Trump

Clinton may not have won the election, but her political platform still continues to inspire.

6Nasty Women Unite

Today was all about women who are nasty and proud of it.

7The Future Is Nasty

This feminist take on Mount Rushmore is goals.

8I'm With Her

Bringing a cardboard cut-out of Hillary Clinton to a march? Genius.

9In Hillary's Own Words

No one says it better than she does.

10To All The Little Girls

No, you're crying.

11The People's President

It gets me, too.

12Hillary For President

I hear you, kid. Loud and clear.

13Never Stop Believing


Trump may be president, but it's clear that Hillary Clinton isn't going to stop inspiring action and change — her words are too powerful.