Even though dating apps are most popular among Millennials, according to a recent Bustle survey with dating app Happn of over 1,000 dating app users, 78 percent of women and 85 percent of men still want to meet people IRL. That's why for the second year in a row, Bustle is deeming April, "App-less April" and encouraging our staff and readers to delete their dating apps for 30 days and meet people the old-fashioned way: offline. With participants tracking their progress and tricks and tips from dating experts, we'll be helping you feel empowered to meet people IRL all month long. Today's topic: Dating coach and matchmaker Laura Bilotta reveals the best places to meet people when you're not on dating apps.
Can you imagine a world where there was no internet, no apps, no incessant 'dings' that made you drop what you were doing, seize your device and press the blinking icons with mounting anticipation, wondering what would be revealed when the blinking stopped? No? Well, I can't either. God forbid! But, your parents can, they didn't meet online, what did they do? As App-less April, Bustle's challenge to delete your dating apps for 30 days, comes to a close this year, let's take a trip back in time and see how we could meet a special someone without swiping right — especially for those of you who will remain app-less once April is over.. How would we handle it? Here are a few ideas:
Whatever non-solitary activity you enjoy is hands-down the best way to meet someone, i.e., softball, volleyball, etc. You already know you have a common interest and that makes for a perfect conversation starter — two birds!
People tend to linger in book stores. If you find yourself in the same section and have read a book someone is browsing; “Oh, good choice, that’s a really good book” is a terrific approach. However, DO NOT utter any spoilers.
If you don’t trust yourself to refrain from revealing a plotline, a Record Store is a fine alternative to a Book Store, but it faces the possibility of extinction, so do it soon!
You already know the person in front of you is looking for a date, that takes care of the biggest hurdle. All you have to do is commit five minutes to see if there's a spark, if not, on to the next, no harm, no need to 'reject' anyone or be rejected, the speed dating event organizer takes care of coordinating the matches. Perfectly painless and a great way to expand your social circle.
The more people you meet, the greater your chances of running in to "the one".
Laura Bilotta is the author of "Single in the City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks, To Love & Lifemates, Tales & Tips To Attract Your Perfect Match". She has hosted over twelve hundred speed dating/mixer events, coached hundreds of men and women into dating gurus, and she has proudly played matchmaker for countless love-seeking singles.
Join the campaign and share your stories with #ApplessApril and by tagging @Bustle.