You Can Actually Feel The Energy From These Power To The Polls Photos

When the Women's March first appeared on the scene, many people wondered how they could keep the momentum going until the next big election rolled around. Photos from the Las Vegas Power To The Polls event in, though, are obvious evidence that their momentum is still building.
After putting together a series of actions for 2017, #PowerToThePolls is the Women's March's 2018 overarching agenda. After all, the 2018 midterms are coming up, and midterms historically have very low turnout, particularly among Democrats and progressives. Based on the experience of having a government almost entirely under Republican control last year, the goals of the Women's March will likely be better served with more progressives in office — and to make that happen, progressives will also have to show up at their respective polling locations.
The Women's March brought their #PowerToThePolls kickoff rally to Nevada, a swing state, in order to give some of that momentum to one important goal: registering supporters of the Women's March to vote, both in swing states and all across the country. Their hope is that this push will convert the massive marches that followed Trump's inauguration into massive electoral power. Now, the photos rolling in from the #PowerToThePolls event might make you think this will indeed come true.
1Looking Up At The Stands
In addition to being big, jubilant, and beautiful, the crowd is also wonderfully diverse and pleasingly tinged with bright pink.
2Everyone Dressed The Part
Two hands means that you can carry two signs. And don't forget, every inch of clothing represents an opportunity to display another pin.
3Theme: Inclusivity
The Women's March organizers have struggled to make it as inclusive a movement as possible — and there's definitely evidence that their work is paying off.
4What The Organizers See
Women's March organizer Linda Sarsour was, of course, on hand for the festivities.
5No One Forgot DACA
At the center of the current government shutdown are the Dreamers — the undocumented immigrants who benefited from the DACA program and whose lives have now been thrown into turmoil because of Trump's decision to end the program.
People at the #PowerToThePolls event know exactly who their movement could benefit — and that definitely includes the Dreamers, and all other immigrants.
6Like Mother, Like Daughter
There's no better strategy than engaging young people in politics.
7Intersectionality At Work
Black women saved Alabama from electing Roy Moore, and 93 percent of them voted for Hillary Clinton. Here's a reminder from some marchers: black women are not a trend.
9Watch Out, World
Give it 30 years, and these girls will be a political force to reckon with.
11Woke People Of All Ages, Unite
Loving naps and staying woke are definitely not mutually exclusive.
12So Many Predecessors To Thank
If it seems like an uphill battle now, just think of the one they were fighting to gain women the right to vote.
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