
This Job Will Pay You $10,000 A Month To Live In Luxury Resorts In Cancun

by Michelle Gross

If you love perpetual sunshine, luxury hotels, and, oh yeah, making boatloads of money for making videos and sharing your vacation stories — to the tune of $10,000 per month — despite the fact that you have exactly zero experience, then has the job for you! In this week's edition of how to get paid to take a vacation, because that's real life, the marketing geniuses over at — a tourism website whose aim, according to their "About Us" page is to "share the wonder and delight of Cancun (and the entire Riviera Maya area) with the world" — has come up with a pretty clever job opportunity in which one lucky winner, ahem, applicant will win a chance to literally vacation for work.

Here are the deets. The position they're hiring is a C.E.O. Not to be confused with a Chief Executive Officer, this C.E.O position will actually be Cancun Experience Officer (well played, The task at hand, you might ask? Well, according to the job description, you'll be expected but not limited to: "swim with whale sharks, explore the jungle, investigate ancient ruins, and much more."

Sound like something you could get down with? Here's a more in depth look into they're looking for according to the website:

"We are seeking an outgoing, authentic, and dynamic individual (or team) to represent the amazing destination of Cancun as our CEO — Cancun Experience Officer," the post begins. "As the CEO, you'll be sent to live in one of the most beautiful destinations on the planet for six months to tell stories through videos, photographs, and words. You'll get paid to dive into the culture, charm, and wonder of Cancun and share your experiences with a worldwide audience. Don't wait to apply! Show us your stuff and make a case for why you (or your team) should be the next CEO."

When you click on the application, you're taken to an application form that consists of questions ranging from the usual "tell us about yourself" and "why do you travel," to choosing from a list of pre-made itineraries that "most appeal to you."

Sound too good to be true? Let's unpack this for a moment, because frankly, it kind of does. Here's what you need to do in order to apply:

Step 1: Create A Video

Create a 60 second or less application video in English, making a "creative case" for why you or your team should be considered. Now, this step is important and shouldn't be undervalued because, let's face it, the competition is going to be fierce. Make it count people. Make it count.

Step 2: Upload Your Video

Next, and equally important, you need to upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo. has some info on how to do this and also, a few guidelines like how not to have ads pop up in your vid.

Step 3: Follow On Social Media

Next, and this is pure marketing genius, you need to follow on all of their respective social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Once again, well played. They've just grown their audience by like a gazillion.

Step 4: Fill Out The Application

After that you have to fill out the CEO Application form here. It's pretty straightforward and not too crazy. Just don't forget to cross those T's and dot those I's!

Step 5: Upload A Profile Pic

Now upload a profile photo and review your application.

Step 6: Submit Your Application And Pray

And click submit. But not before saying a quick prayer to the gods.

It's not over yet though. Once your video is submitted, then you need to get people to vote on it! That's right, these votes are important because wants to see how well you can engage your audience — so make it count!

The deadline to submit your video is December 17, so you better get cracking. Think you've got what it takes to live la vida loca in Cancun? Check out the application link here and may the odds be ever in your favor.