
If You're One Of These Myers-Briggs Types, You're Naturally More Intuitive

If you are trying to find out more about your personality traits, your strengths, and your weaknesses, you should be looking into what your Myers-Briggs personality type is. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was designed by psychiatrist Carl Jung, and is based on Jungian philosophy. It consists of a whole bunch of simple questions that you answer online, and at the end, you get a result that tells you more about who you are. It's really interesting and can help you discover certain things about yourself, like where you should be working or how to show that you care. Each type has different strengths and weaknesses — some are more extroverted than others, some think more analytically than others. Then there are the Myers-Briggs personality types that are the most intuitive.

Allow me to explain! When you take the Myers-Briggs test, you're given a result that consists of four letters. Each letter stands for something. There's E or I, which stand for extroversion and introversion. There's T or F, which mean thinking and feeling. There's J and P, which are judging or perceiving, and finally, S and N, which stand for sensing and intuition.

It's easy to look at these letters and assume that any type that has the "N" in it (which stands for intuition) is super intuitive. That would make the most sense, after all. But while any type with "N" in it does have a certain amount of intuition, some are just more intuitive than others.

Before you get into that, you should have a pretty solid idea of what intuition means, and that can be kind of hard to define. According to the dictionary, the definition of the word is "the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning" and "quick and ready insight." When you think about intuition, you probably think about a gut feeling. Intuition is about knowing something even if you aren't quite sure why you know it. Sophy Burnham, author of The Art of Intuition, told the Huffington Post, "It's different from thinking, it's different from logic or analysis ... It's a knowing without knowing."

Intuitive people tend to be a little more creative, observant, and mindful. They're okay with being alone sometimes, and they know how to listen to that gut feeling that can sometimes be easy to ignore. So which MBTI embodies that the most?

There are four: INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, and ENFP types are the most intuitive out of the 16 various personality types.

An INFJ is a rare personality type. They're soft-spoken people who have strong opinions and ideas. They are creative and imaginative, smart and passionate, and really great at making connections with others. They are also very insightful — INFJs can see through things like manipulation pretty easily.

ENFJs are natural born leaders with a lot of intuition. ENFJs may be more extroverted than an INFJ, but that doesn't mean they aren't intuitive — they are really good at reflecting and analyzing themselves and others.

INFPs are super intuitive — some might say the most intuitive out of all of the types. They are excellent at connecting with others, and can communicate easily with anyone they speak with. This lends to their ability to relate to people on a deeper level, which means they're better at understanding others than most people are.

Lastly, there are ENFPs: free spirits who are similar to INFPs, but a little more extroverted. They may be very social, but ENFPs are driven by their intuition. In fact, their intuitive quality allows them to approach their lives as something to find the deeper meaning in, and they often utilize emotion to do this. They don't see everything in black-and-white like other types might — the world is all shades of gray, and anything is possible.

Of course, any MBTI with "N" has intuitive qualities — but if your type is any of the above, you might find that your intuition is a little stronger than others'.