Nothing good can last forever, and such is the case with Disney XD's Star Wars canon-bound cartoon series: Star Wars Rebels will end after Season 4, creator and showrunner Dave Filoni announced Saturday at Star Wars Celebration Orlando. Fans, naturally erupted with sadness, but it actually makes sense that it would be time to close the Rebels chapter, as Filoni thoughtfully explained.
"I firmly believe that each generation needs to have its piece of Star Wars ... I feel creatively that I can make this story about these characters as meaningful as it needs to be by creating this arc," he said. "I know what it's like when you don't get to end a series," he added, referencing the unceremonious cancellation of The Clone Wars, "and it wasn't as fun."
"It by no means represents an end to anything we're doing in animation, but I want for now is for you guys to focus on the beautiful work that these guys have done," he added referencing the cast, and promising that Season 4 would be "a little bit different, a little darker."
Of course, this would all make sense considering the pace at which the series is barrelling towards the events of Rogue One. Things would need to wrap up and inch closer to the downright dire tone of much of the standalone film.
But to help with the pain of realizing fans have only one more season with their favorite animated rebels, the cast and Filoni offered up a few teasers of the final season to come.
Warwick Davis Will Voice Rukh
The actor famously "tricked" Filoni into promising him a role in Season 4 and it turns out it worked: He'll be playing the role of Thrawn's assassin bodyguard (and closing shortening the already tiny list of Star Wars properties in which he has not acted). "I'm sorry what I did to you in London," said Davis after the announcement. "No you're not," deadpanned Filoni before adding that Davis is perfect for the character.
"He's really creepy so I needed someone creepy and someone sneaky and devious like you would do a great job," he added.
Mon Mothma & Saw Gerrera Will Return
Of the auburn-haired leader, Filoni teased: "You might seen Mon Mothma get a little fiery for once." The character has been, in almost every instance, the stoic, level headed force in any scene, so this could get interesting.
As for Saw, Filoni says Season 4 will "bridge the gap between his character arc in [Rogue One] and what we did in clone wars ... we push him a little further in this season." And as the series gets closer to Rogue One, so will Saw.
Things Get Tough For Kanan & Ezra
Kanan will have some trouble going from "fun uncle" to "disciplinarian" according to Kanan portrayer, Freddie Prinze Jr. "What Kanan goes through is very adult ... the good guys don't always win," he added, before referencing the fact that even Obi-Wan fell victim to the Dark Side (a little bit of an ominous reference, if you ask me).
As for Ezra, Prinze Jr. says "he'll still deal with issues of anger, but he's got a good teacher" (i.e. Kanan).
To that, Ezra actor Taylor Gray added a bit more depth: "Now Season 4 is really a thing of deciding what kind of Jedi and what kind of person he wants to be ... I think he makes some great decisions through Season 4."
It would seem that as the end of the series ramps up, things are going to get extremely serious. Of course, it's the Star Wars way.