Raven Could Be The Next 'Bachelorette'

It is truly a very special season of The Bachelor when we get a contestant that we collectively love so much that we don't even root for her to get engaged to the Bachelor in the end. This season, that woman is Raven. You see, fans like myself want so much more for this rare jewel (sorry, Nick). The only way that we can really see her live out her full potential would be for her to take center stage on her own season. So, will Raven be the next Bachelorette?
Obviously the next Bachelorette has yet to be officially (or unofficially) announced and the final ladies of Nick's season will certainly be kept under a massive gag order until the finale. After all, one must keep the integrity of The Bachelor sacred. So, since we are lacking any real confirmation of our next Bachelorette, fans will have to look at subtle clues that Raven could be the next lucky lady to parlay her (potential) heartbreak into a sweet gig handing out roses to lovesick dudes while wearing a pageant gown.
The first place to look is her social media. Bustle TV Editor Martha Sorren came up with pretty great method for predicting the final contestants (since Bachelorettes are always plucked from around the final five) that I think will help us out in this a great deal. Basically, the method relies on the fact that all contestants are forbidden to use their phones/social media while filming. This means that you can crudely estimate how far into the season each contestant makes it by looking at the date filming began for the season and comparing it to when they begin tweeting or 'gramming again to suss out how long they were filming.
According to Reality Steve, filming for Nick's season of The Bachelor began Sept. 13. Raven updated her Instagram Sept. 1 and not again until Dec. 7. This is a twelve week gap. Raven most certainly makes it into the final few by this logic. Of course, this isn't science, but it is pretty close. The next Bachelorette is always chosen from among the final remaining ladies and I bet that Raven makes it far enough to be in the running.
There is also the less scientific but totally valid fact that Raven is awesome. Her story about allegedly catching her ex cheating on her and beating him about the head with another woman's stiletto was everything that I need in my next Bachelorette. Case closed.