
Here's Your Daily Horoscope For February 6

by Mecca Woods

We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. That's why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods, a New York City-based Astrologer of, to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our lives each day. Today's topic: your daily horoscope for Feb. 6, 2017.

The Moon finishes her transit through Gemini today which should put us in a chatty and inquisitive mood, especially as the day starts with a friendly meetup between the Gemini Moon and the Aquarius Sun giving us lots to talk about. By noon, the Moon stops by for a chat with Uranus in Aries, followed by a positive meetup with Jupiter in Libra which went retrograde in the wee hours of this morning. With Gemini being one of the major signs associated with communication and connections between people, the Moon-Uranus combo shows us where we can release an old way of seeing the world around us while the Moon-Jupiter retrograde combo shows us where we can reassess or rebuild our relationships.

By early evening the Moon opposes hard-nosed Saturn in Sagittarius, which could put a damper on the Gemini Moon's more free-spirited ways, which means we'll need to be strategic and responsible about the things we do and say.

Read below to see what today's stars mean for your sign.

And remember to tune into Bustle's weekly horoscopes video live on Facebook every other Monday at 5 p.m. ET for a rundown of your weekly horoscope.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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Right now, if you're craving to move beyond what you already know and you're in search of new experiences, it's going to take the right relationships and connections to help you get there. As such, look to team up with those that represent the person you're becoming.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

If money has been an issue, it may be time to think about whether the current job you're in is where you should be. Perhaps there's something better out there for you or maybe you need to start demanding more of what you're due. Do something different.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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It may be time for you to rethink a relationship or to let it go entirely, especially if it's holding you back or causing you to feel stifled in any way. Know that while you're craving a deeper sense of stability now, it doesn't mean less freedom — it means more.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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It's time to give yourself a break. Whether it's time off spent in your own zone or a break from an uninspiring job situation, know that this is one of those times where it's clear that you need to be doing you're own thing. Take a step back and get centered.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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In order to manifest a creative vision or capitalize on your talent, it may require to challenge something you've previously held to be true. In what ways are you being called to think outside the box and try a new approach? Rethink your current strategy.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

While your finances are a big factor in determining your level of stability, right now it's less about how much money you're making and more about how you feel when you're making it. Hint: when you love what you do, the money finds you. Rethink your position.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

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You may find yourself in an "anywhere but here" kind of mood today, which suggests that you're still feeling a bit stuck. Though know that you can use this slow down to your advantage by taking a moment to reassess where you are and how you can move forward.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

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When it comes to your finances, it may be time to come to terms with the fact that you may need to go your own way when it comes to getting what you want. Hint: you're not here to follow someone else's program. As such, in what ways can you trust yourself more?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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It's time for you to reevaluate your relationships. Are you connecting with/connected to the right people? And by right people, I mean those capable of returning the investment of your time, energy, and attention? Get you a winning team. Support is not a luxury.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

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While things may still a bit unstable when it comes to your sense of security, know that in the grand scheme of things, you have options when it comes to getting what you want. You don't have to follow the same tired script you've been taught.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

When it comes to pursuing what you're passionate about, you could gain more ground if you slow down and reassess what's important to you. Simply put: it's time to buckle down and take your dreams seriously. Getting what you want can't just be all talk and no action.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

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You may be in your feelings today as you reflect on how your past or a family legacy has shaped you into the person you are today. Though understand that despite whatever has happened, you have the power to dictate how your future unfolds. Don't look too far back.