
Here's Your New Year's Eve Love Horoscope

by Mecca Woods
Hannah Burton/Bustle

We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible, the best sex positions for each sign, or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. That's why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods, a New York City-based astrologer of, to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our lives each week. This week's topic: your love horoscope for New Year's Eve.

The Moon (feelings) spends all weekend in free-spirited Aquarius, which is appropriate for New Year’s Eve as Aquarius pushes us to break free of the past in favor for a more positive future. This theme will be especially important when it comes to love as Mercury, the planet in charge of communication, will still be retrograde; increasing the chances for drunk dialing exes and other bad decisions.

Though the biggest (astrological) event of the evening comes just an hour before midnight (ET) when passionate Mars syncs up with Neptune in romantic and dreamy Pisces to add a little magic to the evening’s festivities. With these two together, New Year’s Eve takes on a romantic and sentimental vibe that could be perfect for sweet kisses at midnight and dreaming up future plans with the person we’re mad about.

However, since Pisces is a sign that isn’t always so great with navigating boundaries and Mercury retrograde is still afoot, we’ll need to exercise good judgement and take it easy on the alcohol to avoid a major New Year’s meltdown or crossing the line with someone that may be “off-limits” to us in some way. On the flip side, Mars and Neptune together can inspire and embolden us to make the New Year one of our best when it comes to love and beyond. Make a wish!

Read below to find out what this weekend's stars means for your love life.

And remember to tune into Bustle's weekly horoscopes video live on Facebook every other Monday at 4 p.m. ET for a rundown of your weekly horoscope.

Psst! Check out the "You IRL" stream in the Bustle App for daily tips on how to have an empowering 2017 starting Jan. 1. Right now, tweet @bustle about how you plan to make 2017 the best year yet. Use the hashtag #2017IRL, and your tweet could be featured on our app.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

The urge to see someone behind the scenes or go after someone who may be unavailable to you may seem like a good idea, but you may not be as discreet or as in control as you think. Instead of making it messy, ask a friend to set you up with a date or focus on attracting someone worthwhile. Ask and you will receive.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

Could a friendship turn into something more? If the two of you have been flirting with the idea of getting together, you could decide to take it further tonight. However, it’s best to make sure this is both what you really want before moving forward. On another note, don’t let a friend get in the way of you having a good time.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

You might want to think twice about someone before you get hung up on appearances. Yes, this person might make you look good or represent the relationship ideal you’re into, but can they offer you what you really need? Overall, if something or someone is meant for you — you don’t need to force anything.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

With a New Year upon you, does it make sense to keep rehashing the same old thing with your partner? On the other hand, if the purpose of this conversation is to discuss what gets left behind in 2016, that works a lot better. Single? Travel could bring love and a creative muse. Do you really want to hear from your ex? Really?

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

A relationship could be taking off, but it’s OK to take it slow with this one. Now’s not the time to dive head (or heart) first into anything just yet, as you’re learning to be a little more thoughtful about who you trust. Are you both as invested? Are healthy boundaries in place? Is vulnerability an issue? Take some time to reflect.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

Just going to put this out there right now: You’re going to hear from your ex. The question is, will you listen? If things ended on a light note, it could be worth rekindling the spark, but if not, a hard pass now could save you trouble later. When it comes to new love (and there will be), take your time and feel this person out.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

If single and looking, love can be sweet this evening. Though this connection has more of a “just for tonight” vibe to it instead something long-term, which is not necessarily a bad thing with a new year and new options at the ready. With bae tonight? Talks about the future while watching the ball drop (at home) hit the spot.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

You may opt to celebrate at home with your love and a few of your closest friends as it’s more of a quiet, cozy, and introspective kind of a night. However, if you do choose to go out and celebrate (especially if you’re single), the chances for romance are high. Just try not to dwell too hard on the past. Welcome the new.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

You could find yourself feeling rather scattered when it comes to love — one part of you may be in your feelings dwelling on the past while the other half looks forward to the future. Instead of being upset about what or who you don’t have, use this as your time to focus on the kind of love you really want. You have options.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

Communication may be a little fuzzy this eve, so make sure you and your love are on the same page when it comes to any plans you may have for the evening. Double confirm everything. If single, think twice about reconnecting with an ex. Though romance could happen at a friend’s party or gathering. Accept an invite.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

You should find yourself in high demand this evening as you seem to have the right amount of charm, charisma, and cuteness to reel 'em in by the boatload. However, before you get too cozy with that attractive stranger, just make sure their intentions are as good as yours. Trust your intuition and go easy on the drinks.

Alyssa Foote/Bustle

They don’t call you a bewitcher for nothing as your admirers tend to fall under your spell without you having to lift a finger. Tonight won’t be any different. As a matter of fact, you can have just about anyone you want. Just make sure who you want isn’t your ex or the charming stranger that’s a little too good to be true.

Happy New Year! Check out the best resolutions for your sign.

Check out the "You IRL" stream in the Bustle App starting on Jan. 1 for daily tips on how to have an empowering 2017.