We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. That's why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods, a New York City-based astrologer of MyLifeCreated.com, to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our lives each week. This week's topic: your weekend love horoscope for August 26-27, 2017.
It's all about being cut and dry and getting straight to the point this weekend when it comes to love and relationships. That's because the Moon splits her time between no-nonsense Capricorn and in-your-face Aquarius, flanked by multiple planets in passionate Leo. Under this cosmic mix, we're called towards accountability, authenticity, and listening to our hearts when it comes to mating and relating. This means no wasting time on "situationships" or being careless with our feelings or the feelings of others. We should look towards following our hearts while at the same time using Capricorn and Aquarius' penchant for avoiding unnecessary emotional drama.
Read below to find out what this weekend's stars mean for your love life. And remember to tune into Bustle's weekly horoscopes video live on Facebook every other Monday at 5 p.m. EST for a rundown of your weekly horoscope.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your romantic forecast looks amazing for the second weekend in a row, especially when you make time to get out and about and expand your social circle. Call up a few friends and hit the town as you won't be disappointed. If already attached, keep it interesting with some flirty fun. Enjoy yourself!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You and your bae find bliss this weekend by keeping it low-key at home or entertaining a close friends and family. On another note, the conversation of moving or starting a family could come back up for discussion. If single, you could meet someone at a Labor Day barbecue or a favorite local joint.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
If love hasn't been going your way, consider this weekend a reset button of sorts, especially when you find the courage to let go of the past and heal your wounds. You could meet someone new through travel, your sibling, or hanging out with friends. Adventure is the thing that gets your heart going.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Issues around security and vulnerability may come up for you this weekend which may push you to renegotiate your boundaries or work to figure out if someone you're interested is worth letting down your guard. Meanwhile for Cancers in relationships, you and bae may have to have a convo about money.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
It's well-known that when you feel good from the inside out, it raises your personal magnetism by like a thousand. This is the theme for you this weekend. Self-care is an aphrodisiac. Make sure to return the attention.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
A charismatic stranger may have caught your attention, but before you go any further, you may want to investigate as to whether this person is really who they say they are. Not that you should be paranoid but you should engage your powers of discrimination. An no, you don't need another fixer upper.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Love looks bright for you this weekend when you allow yourself to cut ties with the past and move on to someone better. Your chances for meeting someone new are exceptionally high, especially when you venture out to socialize and mingle. Coupled up Libras should plan for a date night.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This weekend the focus is on the long term when it comes to your love life. If you're happily partnered up, you and your sweetie could decide to take the next big step together that could have you tying the knot or moving in together. Single Scorpios need to get clear about their "yes's" and "no's".
Sagittarius (Nov. 2 - Dec. 21)
Are you still holding on to someone that you really should be letting go? If the answer is yes, you could be on the receiving end of a wake-up call this weekend. You may be feeling a bit gun shy/cautious, causing you to cling to what's familiar. But it's time to shake things up again when it comes to love.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Could an old family dynamic or an inherited belief system be preventing you from being open to love? For example, if all you heard your mom do was complain about partners, then maybe you've adopted those beliefs too? If so, it's time to rewrite the narrative and change your love story. Heal your heart.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You may have been hurt before but that doesn't dictate your future when it comes to getting the relationship you want, and it may be time for you to stop telling yourself that old story. Love is on the way but you have to be available to it. Coupled Aquarius' need to find the balance between "me" and "we" time.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You know the value of faith. That's why when it comes to romance this weekend, you've got to keep the faith that the person you're searching for is on their way, namely if you've just about given up on love. Continue to show up for yourself, be discerning with your heart, and let the rest work itself out.