
Here's Your March Horoscope

Don’t settle for less than the fairytale you deserve.

by Alexandria Lettman
Here's every zodiac sign's horoscope for March 2024.

Spring is here! This March is the clean slate you’ve been anticipating. When Mercury crashes into Aries on Mar. 9, you won’t be able to resist asserting your fierce opinion. Watch your temper. Wild reactions could cause unnecessary drama.

New goals and manifestations will surface in your mind on Mar. 10. Expect the enchanting new moon in Pisces to expand your awareness of what’s possible. Dare to dream bigger; miracles can happen. Loving Venus plunges into romantic Pisces on Mar. 11, encouraging you to appreciate the beauty all around you. As your relationships move into the spotlight, don’t settle for less than the fairytale you deserve.

The arrival of empowered Aries season coincides with the spring equinox, initiating the ultimate new beginning on Mar. 19. Seize the moment to influence change in your life. You are in charge. Swimming away from your problems will protect your peace of mind on Mar. 22, when Mars dips into escape-artist Pisces. But if the mess doesn’t clean up on its own, roll up your sleeves and get involved.

Turbulent eclipse season arrives on Mar. 25, stirring up sudden redirections. The lunar eclipse in Libra will clear your attachments to past lovers and the pain from those relationships. Let go to attract new, peaceful connections.

Happy birthday, Aries!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Confidence is sexy, but arrogance isn’t. Find the right balance in March, and you will realize you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. Expect tests to your growth and maturity when it’s time to let go of the past once and for all. Be forgiving, Aries. You can’t carry your frustrations and sadness with you forever. The Pisces new moon aligns on Mar. 10, helping you focus on the silver linings. Progressively, you will feel more like yourself and better able to handle your problems without lashing out.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your ability to keep your feelings under control is admirable, but you need a healthy outlet for expression. Vent to your friends, and they will surround you with love, support, and reassurance. Fantasizing about your dreams will fill you with ideas and inspiration in March. However, you can’t take action when your head is in the clouds. Be careful about the distance you perceive between where you are and where you want to be. If you feel stuck, focus on the few steps ahead rather than the future.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your career is coming into focus. Strengthen your visualizations of your end goal and aspirations. Once Venus enters Pisces on Mar. 11, network enthusiastially and golden opportunities will find you. Put yourself forward as a leader, even if you feel nervous or uncertain. More people believe in you than you realize. The lunar eclipse in Libra on Mar. 25. is a sign to stop clinging to what no longer makes you happy. Embrace change. Appreciate the space between relationships and your hobbies, both new and old.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Don’t avoid stating your opinions because you are fearful of other’s reactions. No matter what you say or believe, there will always be those who agree and disagree. Mars in outgoing Aries wills you to speak up on Mar. 9. Assert yourself without being combative. Arguments aren’t worth your time. As you progress toward the lunar eclipse on Mar. 25. your wisdom will expand. Remember that peace is cultivated from within, not after you have achieved a “perfect” life.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Venus in compassionate Pisces aligns in your favor on Mar. 11, enriching your relationships through deep heart-to-hearts. Don’t resist opening up and getting vulnerable and personal. You cannot heal while pretending everything is fine. New adventures are coming into view, motivating you to start planning and brainstorming your next road trip or vacation. Don’t fixate on what will make other people happy. Prioritize your enjoyment and work around your schedule.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Dreams can come true, but sometimes they need encouragement. Get the ball rolling in your love life, Virgo. Tell your partner exactly what you want, or take things to the next level with your crush. Your empathy and desire to support your loved ones will increase under the Pisces new moon on Mar. 10. However, you must learn to offer your help without adopting people’s worries. When you realize that your worth does not come through your usefulness, you will remove the intensity of your urge to fix other’s problems.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Be proactive when you are energized and inspired. Deal with your work responsibilities and problems as they arise, and you won’t be stuck with an endless to-do list on the days when you lack motivation. A powerful reset is unfolding in your life, coinciding with the lunar eclipse in Libra on Mar. 25. The more you confront the internal barriers of nerves and fear that restrict your potential, the more you will see your relationships improve.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your coworkers are following your lead. Take the reigns with your shared responsibilities. Delegate duties rather than trying to do everything alone. You know yourself better than anyone else. Listen to your body when it signals imbalances in your body and mind. Slowing down to take more breaks and naps will prevent you from burning out. Romance continues to bloom in March. However, thinking too far ahead will sweep you up in delirious daydreams. Live in the moment.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You’ll have no trouble expressing your desires in March. Open and direct communication is the secret to deeper intimacy and an exhilarating sex life. When searching for new experiences, focus on what (and who) is truly good for you. Temporary pleasures won’t satisfy your craving for excitement and adventure. How long do you let troubles sit in your mind? On Mar. 22 — when Mars rages through Pisces — observe where you are ruminating over matters of the past or situations you can’t control.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Family drama could get heated if you allow your frustration to get the better of you. If you can keep calm, assert your point without being harsh or argumentative. If not, rise above it all, Capricorn. Absorb the optimistic energy of the Pisces new moon on Mar. 10, letting it shift your awareness to everything good in your life. Cherish the small things – slow walks around your neighborhood, kind words shared with a stranger, or listening to your favorite music — and your troubles will fade.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Don’t over-estimate your budget, Aquarius. This month warns you to monitor your hyper-positive outlook. You could land in trouble if you don’t account for unexpected expenses, like the subscription you signed up for and forgot about. Headstrong Aries season, which begins on Mar. 19, wills you to find your voice and share your thoughts with conviction. The marker of your maturity lies in your ability to own up to your mistakes and misperceptions. Don’t be defensive if you get called out.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Break the pattern of comparing yourself to others. Your worth, value, and success can't be measured against other's criteria. You are on your own journey, Pisces. Accept your life circumstances for what they are rather than what they could be. When you do, you will relinquish the pressure you have put on your hopes and wishes, and allow your manifestations to work their magic. Powerful opportunities to reinvent yourself from the inside out are emerging. Ask yourself, how would the best version of yourself behave?