
Clelli Exposes Judas On 'BB17' & No One Cares

by Allison Piwowarski

Hey, here's a serious question. People know that Judas is not a real person in the Big Brother house, right? Like, they know that it's a nickname Austin has and that he doesn't actually have an evil alter ego? Don't take this as defending Austin, but let's call a spade a spade: Putting on a magician's top hat doesn't transform you into anything other than a huge a**hat. Clay and Shelli thought targeting Judas on Big Brother was their key to making it through Thursday's live eviction show, but at the end of the day, James didn't use the Veto on Clay and Shelli, and he didn't give a flying knight in shining armor about Judas, BECAUSE JUDAS ISN'T REAL.

Shelli and Clay approached HoH and Veto holder James in the HoH room about an opportunity where they both can stay and Austin can get the boot. Shelli, being the integrity-filled houseguest, was a little apprehensive to start throwing people under the bus, but then she got over it and started naming names. First up, Austin — or should I say, Judas. Shelli told James about Austin's "alter ego named Judas" who betrays and does all that "piciple meat" stuff Clay mumbled about. Basically, Shelli wanted to make it look like Judas was 100 percent the reason that Jason left last week and I just want to confirm that these people know that Judas is Austin!

James didn't buy what Shelli was feeding him. When you boil down how last week went down, Austin/Judas is not the reason Austin/Judas stayed in the house — let's not give him that much credit — instead, it was Shelli and Clay who decided that Austin needed to stay in the house and someone else needed to leave.

In the end, James ultimately stuck by his original nominations. (Is this the first time this has happened this season?) One of the Big Brother royals will be leaving the house on Thursday, and will sit next to Julie Chen, heartbroken. I'll have open arms for you Clay.

For more on the houseguests check out Bustle's Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.

Image: Screengrab/CBS