I know the new Bachelor has just been announced — I'm coming for you Ben Higgins — but is it too soon to start planning for the next season of The Bachelorette? By tradition, the next Bachelorette will most likely be one of the lucky women who gets to fight for Ben's heart on the upcoming season of The Bachelor, but what if we say "to hell with tradition," and look outside the current Bachelorette crop? What if Juelia Kinney was the next Bachelorette ? Juelia was great on The Bachelor, but she has really proved to be a great contender for The Bachelorette if her current stint on Bachelor in Paradise doesn't work out. (Sorry, Mikey T.)
First of all, making Juelia the Bachelorette would mean going against the grain of all past Bachelor and Bachelorette traditions. Well, I'm here to say that those "traditions" haven't proven to be the most successful tactics to uniting love, so maybe producers need to think outside of the box. Juelia would be the perfect candidate for the next Bachelorette for a multitude of reasons, but most of all — she's different! Yeah, I said it! Juelia has lived a life that a lot can identify with, which is why she should be given a shot at being the next Bachelorette. Consider this the official kick start for the petition to get Juelia Kinney as the next Bachelorette.
She Is Different
Overall, Juelia brings a lot of variety to the past Bachelorettes. Beyond that, she wouldn't be plucked from the current group of women, and that variety and change might do well for the franchise.
She's A Mother
Emily Maynard was the other Bachelorette with a child, and that type of representation is so important on this show. Juelia's daughter is clearly very important to her, and she deserves to share that love of her life while looking for another love of her life. Plus, I guarantee many single mothers, or just mothers in general, would appreciate the idea that they are being represented on a show that often glamorizes the fun, carefree, single, not-a-care-in-the-world life.
She's Lived A Lot Of Life
Another reason Juelia would be an amazing Bachelorette? She has a lot of layers to her. At a young age, Juelia has lived a lot of life. She's a single mother, she has lost her husband to suicide, she's looked for love in unconventional ways, and she still can be the amazingly positive, kind person she's projected on Bachelor in Paradise so far. She would bring a new type of person to the show.
She Has The Hearts Of Bachelor Nation
If I can't convince ABC, let former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants do so. Seriously, the cast on Bachelor in Paradise Season 2 supports Juelia like no other. No doubt they would be rooting for her as a Bachelorette.
She Has The Hearts Of Fans
And in case there needs to be more of a draw to why Juelia would be perfect for The Bachelorette? How about the fact that fans are basically begging for it.
Of course, all of this depends on the fact that Juelia and Mikey don't last. While that would be sad, hopefully it means Juelia can move on to greener pastures. (Chris Soules pun, 'cause I'm still not over it.)
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC