
Does Julia Know Everything About Liztin On 'BB17'?

by Sally Mercedes

As Austin and Liz's showmance continues to progress on Big Brother 17, they're really picking up the pace in these last few weeks. Just a month ago, Liz didn't even like Austin and seemed to be humoring him for the sake of her game. Now, she is openly in a showmance and enjoying making out with Austin, even with cameras all over the house. Some people who watch the feeds even allege that Austin and Liz have had sex on Big Brother 17. If that's true, many are wondering, does Julia know that Liz and Austin possibly had sex?

Fans have had a closer look at the couple's relationship thanks to late night feeds, so we're wondering, "did they or didn't they?" Meanwhile, poor Julia seems to have no idea what her sister is up to in the house. Maybe that's for the best, though, and Liz is playing it smart. After all, Julia's reactions throughout the development of Liz and Austin's relationship have not always been the most positive. Liz has been cautious about revealing too much too soon to Julia, leaving her twin in the dark about things until days or weeks later. Here's what makes me think Julia doesn't know Liz and Austin have been supposedly hooking up, and what her reaction might be when she finds out.

Julia Was Shocked When Austin First Kissed Liz

Her reaction was pure gold, and it made many of us feel less alone in our outrage.

Her Shock Continued With Every Makeout

Julia's facial expressions deserve their own show.

Julia Warned Her About Doing Anything More Than Kissing

This could end poorly.

Hickeys Are Reason Enough For Outrage In Julia's Book

Besides threatening Austin with a bat, Julia has also lectured Liz about everyone who's watching her every time she gets a hickey (or seemingly does anything more than that).

Liz & Austin As A Couple Is Laughable To Liz

When Julia learned Austin asked Liz to be his girlfriend and she accepted, Julia literally LOLed.

Julia Is Grossed Out That Anybody Has Sex In The BB House

It's amazing that the same day Julia is talking about how gross it is that Amanda and McCrae had sex in the house, Austin and Liz allegedly hooked up.

I think it's safe to say that Julia doesn't know to what extent Austin and Liz have hooked up on Big Brother 17 or else we definitely would've heard about it! But, I hope she finds out while they're still in the house, because I'm sure her reaction will be hilarious.

For more on Liztin, the Austwins, and everything happening in the house, check out Bustle’s Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room.

Image: CBS