Liz and Austin's relationship in the Big Brother house raises a lot of questions. Does Liz truly like Austin? (She didn't, but now she does.) Is Austin cheating on his girlfriend? (Probably.) Will Lizten still be together after Big Brother? (Who cares?) However, the biggest question surrounding this showmance for any Big Brother fan is simply, "How does it make you feel?" The answer varies from person to person, but it seems like everyone has their opinion on the couple. Chief among these opinions, is those of the former houseguests who either know what it's like to live in the Big Brother house for a summer, or even those who spent time in the house with Liz and Austin.
Former Big Brother houseguests have been tweeting their opinions about the show all season long, including which houseguest should win BB17. When the topic of Liz and Austin comes up, however, the houseguests are not afraid to make sure the rest of Twitter knows exactly how they feel about the controversial showmance. Opinions on Lizten range from "disapproval" to "disgusted," as it seems that many former houseguests are big fans of the two. Here are some of the best alumni reactions Big Brother's latest showmance has inspired.
Audrey, BB17
Audrey spent time in the house with Liz and Austin, so she has had first-hand experience getting to know them. This is reflected in her strong dislike of Austin, who is a constant target of her mockery in tweets.
Andy, BB15
The BB15 winner is a strong force in the world of Big Brother twitter accounts, and he is unafraid to share his opinions on the couple. Sometimes his emotions are so powerful, he can only properly communicate them via emoji.
Christine, BB16
Christine, who is no stranger to being disliked by Big Brother audiences, doesn't think Liztin will fare well once they exit the house.
Rachel, BB12 & BB13
Rachel Reilly seems to actually be a fan of Liztin. She hasn't said anything bad about them, but she does enjoy their name for the HoH room.
Jace, BB17
This early evictee is staying relevant through social media. He may jest about Austin's relationship with Liz, but he makes it very clear that he's just a bro bein' a bro to another bro.
McCrae, BB15
McCrae has experience in a mis-matched showmance, but his feelings towards Amanda were nowhere near as passionate as Austin's devotion to Liz.
Daniele, BB8 & BB13
Daniele Donato is asking the important questions in the relationship that everyone else seems to be ignoring.
Derrick, BB16
Derrick isn't just one of the best BB players of all time, he's also a good guy. He knows someone has to call Austin out when he says creepy things, like commenting on how much he enjoys being close to Liz's skin.
It seems that the Liztin showmance has caused some varied, but mainly negative reactions from Big Brother alumni, just as it has from regular old fans.
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Image: CBS