The Twins Have Won A Lot Of Competitions On 'BB17'

When Big Brother 17 began, one of the first twists we learned about was the Twin Twist. For five weeks, Liz and Julia competed as one person, and after surviving eviction for those weeks, Julia was able to enter the game as herself. In Season 5, the Twin Twist was short-lived and the twins were both evicted within just a couple of weeks of entering the game separately. Many fans were certain that would happen again this year, but Liz and Julia proved them wrong by making it to the final six. Although the twins are not fan favorites and there's no way Liz is winning America's Favorite Houseguest, the fact is, they have a good argument to make for taking home the top prize. Combined, Julia and Liz have won many competitions on Big Brother 17, and though they aren't super knowledgeable about the game and their social game was never quite up to snuff, thanks to her competition record, Liz especially has a strong case for winning the season.
Don't believe me? Here's a look at all the competitions the twins have won, with a few other notable wins thrown in for good measure. Even though she's on the block, there's a chance Liz will survive Thursday's eviction, and if she does, watch out houseguests.
Week 4 HOH
The twins' first win came early on in the season when Liz won the '90s-inspired HOH competition along with Shelli. After nominating James and Jackie, she was dethroned in the Battle of the Block.
Week 5 Battle of the Block
The very next week, Jackie nominated Liz and James with the hopes of having them lose the BoB and backdooring Austin. James was blatantly throwing it, and Clay and Becky were giving it their all, and still Liz managed to win that competition all by herself. This was a crucial win because it guaranteed that Julia would enter the game.
Surviving Five Weeks
OK, this isn't a competition, but surviving the five weeks Liz and Julia needed to enter the game separately is definitely a BB win!
Week 8 HOH & POV
After laying low for a couple of weeks and keeping the target off their backs, Liz came back strong in Week 8, winning both the HOH competition and the POV. She nominated Becky and John and kept her nominations the same, and the house sent Becky packing.
Week 10 Double Eviction HOH
Although Meg was evicted in week 10, Julia was on the block with her, and that seemed to light a fire under Liz. In that week's Double Eviction, Liz won the HOH competition and nominated James and John.
Week 10 Double Eviction POV
Earning her first comp win of the season, Julia's POV win during Double Eviction night allowed Liz to keep her nominations the same and send James home.
With six victories between the two of them, Liz or Julia could use comp wins in their speech to the jury on finale night. Liz, with the most wins, could say she's a fierce competitor, while Julia could argue that she laid low and let Liz win for the both of them. Following Thursday night's eviction, the remaining twin needs to keep these comp wins going to make it to the end, but whoever stays definitely has a shot at the $500,000.
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Images: CBS (6)