
How To Make A PSL Candle

by Kirsten Nunez

If seasons could talk, I wonder what autumn would say. Would it brag and boast about its perfectly perfect weather? Or would it whisper sweet nothings into our ears, telling us where to put our new wreath? Whatever it has to say, it must be good — because it sure has a way of making the Internet freak out. It might have a little (read: a lot) to do with the quintessential pumpkin spice latte. I'm starting to think autumn chants "PSL" to get us super hyped for its arrival. And you know what? It totally works. I mean, we've already decided that the PSL is better than a boyfriend, after all. That's why these pumpkin spice candles are a must on your DIY to-do list.

In celebration of the cozy drink's triumphant return, I decided to share an easy way to engulf yourself in PSL's loving arms. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean diving into a pool filled with pumpkin spice lattes (I wish). But it does mean creating a simple yet decadent PSL-scented candle. Made with real pumpkin pie spice and vanilla candle wax, your room will smell exactly like autumn.

You might also want to pick up a few extra jars. I can guarantee all of your girlfriends will want a candle… or five. Autumn sure has a way of making the ladies swoon.


  • 4-ounce mason jar
  • 16-ounce mason jar (or small stainless steel bowl)
  • Stainless steel pots
  • Small candle wick*
  • Vanilla candle wax*
  • Pumpkin pie spice
  • Hot glue gun

* Candle wicks can be found in the candle section of your local craft store. Each wick has a small metal plate at the end that can be glued to the bottom of your jar.

As for vanilla candle wax? You can use remnants from old candles, or break apart vanilla tea candles (just like I did!). You'll need five tea candles in total.

Additional supplies that may be useful include two wooden dowels to hold your candle wick straight if it starts acting up. Two popsicle sticks, BBQ skewers, or pencils work just as great. A coaster or pot holder is ideal for protecting your work surface while you pour hot candle wax. You also might need a pair of scissors to trim the wick if necessary.

Alright, enough of the logistics. Let's get started!

1. Hot glue the candle wick to the bottom of the jar.

2. Fill the pot halfway with water. Place over medium heat until the water starts to boil. Lower the heat to a simmer.

Place the 16-ounce jar directly into the pot. Add the candle wax.

3. Carefully keep tabs on the wax as it begins to melt.

4. Once the wax has turned to liquid, add a generous helping of pumpkin pie spice. I added a teaspoon; you can use more or less depending on your preference.

To take it up a notch, add some dry coffee grounds to the mix. Yum.

5. Add a sprinkling of pumpkin pie spice to the bottom of the jar.

6. Carefully pour the wax into the jar. Use an oven mitt to handle the pot, if necessary.

If the wick starts to float sideways, hold it up with two dowels, BBQ skewers, or pencils.

7. Once the candle hardens, add another sprinkling of pumpkin pie spice. You know you love it.

At this point, you can also trim the wick with scissors.

Whenever you're craving those fall feelings, just light up the candle and soak in the goodness.

Images: Kirsten Nunez