Liztin Discuss The Future During The 'BB17' Finale
In case you were worried, and I know I wasn't, the grand showmance that is Austin and Liz is going to be just fine after Big Brother 17. In fact, to hear them (and Julia) tell it, their relationship will span centuries of love, sunshine, and ponytail beards. At least, that's the impression that they definitely gave everyone during the finale interviews, where all they could talk about was that cringe-worthy showmance that we all watched develop this season. When Austin and Liz discussed the future of their Big Brother 17 relationship, they either gave you hope or gave you the distinct impression that they are both kind of delusional. Or, hey, maybe both. So where do Austwins think the Liztin showmance is headed now that the cameras have stopped rolling and they can return to their normal lives? Nowhere but up, apparently.
“Who knows what’s going to happen with us?" said Liz, who was the most vocal of the three with regards to her and Austin's future. "Maybe I’ll move out to L.A., maybe he’ll come to Florida… the real world is big and scary. It’s going to be a big adventure, but we’re going to make it work, ponytail beard and all." Now that is some confidence. This is a girl that definitely believes in her relationship. However, on the other hand, Austin proved to be a little bit more circumspect when looking to the future, hedging his bets while remaining hopeful, as we've seen him do a lot toward the end of the season despite being the one to passionate chase Liz down.
According to him, "Hopefully, very lovely things [are coming from Liztin]. Things happen. You’re holding out for security anywhere you can find it." What does that even mean? I literally have no idea, but then I haven't understood anything that Austin has said since that bizarre nomination speech he made about everyone being victims and pawns and something or other. Sometimes, he kind of buries his point behind a ton of nonsensical philosophical rhetoric, is all I'm saying. In fact, I'm pretty sure he does that on purpose.
Julia was similarly circumspect about the future of Liztin, although even she sounded more optimistic about it than Austin. "Long-distance relationships are so hard! He’s already met my parents, and I think it went well. We’ll see." Honestly, I'm more shocked that Austin met the Nolan parents, and it actually went well, than I am about the fact that Julia has a "wait and see" attitude on if the showmance will survive without the show to give it strength. I suppose we'll have to also "wait and see" if Austin's parents approve of Liz after how awkward the subject of Austin's now-ex-girlfriend has to be at that family dinner...
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Images: CBS