15 'Gilmore Girls' Episodes To Celebrate 15 Years

It's hard to imagine that it has already been a decade and a half since the television perfection that is Gilmore Girls came into our lives. That's right, 2015 marks the 15th anniversary of Gilmore Girls, and I think it's safe to say that the series is one of the few of the time period that really gave women the opportunity to be strong, complex, flawed, and wonderful characters on television. Lorelai and Rory are the best mother-daughter TV team a fan could ever ask for, and the writing on the show was constantly top notch (even if the quality dipped after creator Amy Sherman Palladino left before Season 7). As any fan would agree, the show deserves to be honored all the time, but since this is the best time more than ever, let's delve into 15 of the many incredible episodes that proves Gilmore Girls deserves to be immortalized and watched for years and years to come.
Now it's hard to contain the brilliance that is seven seasons of Gilmore Girls, so I've included at least one episode from each season. But of course the more stellar seasons that provide the most information and entertainment will get more than a few episodes a piece. (Sorry, Season 7, you definitely only get one episode). But let's be honest, if you have the time to watch the entire show on Netflix, why wouldn't you? Here are the very best Gilmore Girls episodes to celebrate 15 years since Stars Hollow first entered our living rooms.
1. Season 1, Episode 1: "Pilot"
Ah, remember this episode in which we first met the Gilmore family? We see Lorelai getting Rory's Chilton acceptance letter and asking for her parents' financial help for the first time in a long time. We watch Rory meeting Dean, Sookie's clumsy, comedy-gold performance, and Luke being... well, Luke. It was the perfect set-up for what was soon to become a must-watch show.
2. Season 1, Episode 4: "The Deer Hunters"
The whole deer incident is shockingly funny, and seeing Rory have some missteps before she goes on to become the perfect student is actually kind of great because we get to see her fail, try again, and then succeed.
3. Season 1, Episode 21: "Love, Daisies and Troubadours"
Max's proposal. Most romantic move ever.
4. Season 2, Episode 21: "Lorelai’s Graduation Day"
There are a million amazing episodes in Season 2, but I've narrowed it down to the best two: The last ones of the season. This episode, wherein Rory takes a bus to New York to see Jess, showed her true feelings for him. It heartbreaking to watch Lorelai realize Rory's not there for her which makes it a fascinating episode to watch.
5. Season 2, Episode 22: "I Can't Get Started"
Sookie and Jackson get married! Jess comes back to Stars Hollow! Rory kisses Jess! Christopher goes back to Sherry because she's pregnant! It's almost too much juiciness to bear.
6. Season 3, Episode 7: "They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They?"
The 24-Hour dance marathon is quite possibly the best Stars Hollow town event ever, but it's extra special considering it's the episode where Rory and Jess finally admit their feelings for one another.
7. Season 3, Episode 9: "A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving"
Lane gets her first kiss with Dave in this episode! Plus Sookie watches Jackson deep fry their entire house. It's amazing.
8. Season 3, Episode 16: "The Big One"
Rory gets into Harvard, Paris doesn't. Paris blames it on losing her virginity to Jamie, leading to a fascinating breakdown during her speech with Rory at Chilton which was broadcasted on C-SPAN.
9. Season 3, Episode 22: "Those Are Strings, Pinocchio"
Rory's graduation is such a tearjerker and it's wonderful. I can't get over it. Plus we see Rory admit to Jess that she loves him, but that she has to move on.
10. Season 4, Episode 2: "The Lorelais' First Day At Yale"
Seeing Lorelai moving Rory into Yale is hard, just as hard as it is for Lorelai to actually do it.
11. Season 4, Episode 22: "Raincoats And Recipes"
Lorelai and Luke finally get their act together and become a proper couple with the most perfect way to share their first official kiss. Oh, and there's the whole Dean-cheating-on-Lindsay-with-Rory thing. But as much as I hate that Rory-Dean storyline, it gave us a heartbreaking scene in which Lorelai really disapproves of Rory's actions for the first time ever.
12. Season 5, Episode 3: "Written In The Stars"
Hearing Luke say he's "all in" on his relationship with Lorelai easily makes this one of the best episodes of the series. It's simple, but says oh-so much.
13. Season 5, Episode 13: "Wedding Bell Blues"
Emily shines in this episode where she renews her vows with Richard. But it's her meddling that ruins her budding, strengthening relationship with the girls. And thanks to this meddling, Luke and Lorelai break up for some time. Plus Rory gets to make out with Logan for a bit. It's nice to watch before Logan and Rory's relationship eventually becomes a little too dramatic.
14. Season 6, Episode 13: "Friday Night's Alright For Fighting"
This episode in Season 6 is great from start to finish. Friday night dinners resume at the Gilmore mansion and man is this one a doozy. Plus, Logan acts like a real hero for the first time in his relationship with Rory and saves the Yale Daily News by helping it publish an issue in the epitome of crunch time.
15. Season 7, Episode 22: "Bon Voyage"
The series ends and I have to believe there wasn't a dry eye in the entire country.
Thank you for being such a wonderful part of the 2000s Gilmore Girls. Now can we get that reunion going?
Images: Warner Bros. Television (16)