If you're in dire need of some scoop from Showtime's House of Lies, then you're in luck. Despite the upcoming season just starting filming, Ben Schwartz is kind enough to predict House of Lies Season 5 using emojis for those fans who just can't wait until 2016 for its debut. Schwartz, who plays Clyde Oberholt, isn't able to give away any major spoilers, but Schwartz tries to do his best at revealing what fans might see — or at least what he hopes will happen, especially for Clyde. While chatting with Bustle via phone about his Courtyard Camera NFL webisodes, Schwartz says,
I hope to see that heart emoji. I hope he [Clyde] falls in love. I hope to see, for this character because he's so driven by money, the dollar sign and the 100 percent sign. He wants to be in Marty's [Don Cheadle's character's] position. So, I think he wants to grow to be that and one day be partner to overcome Marty. He wants to be Marty. I think you're slowly going to see that. He's going to try and dress more like Marty and do those things — or I hope.
Schwartz is also hoping to see "the smiley emoji," because he reveals this season is going to push the envelope on comedy and "be even more comedic than in the past seasons." He explains, "I think the four of us [Cheadle, Schwartz, Kristen Bell, and Josh Lawson] together have so much fun together and we get to laugh at each other. The show really revolves around the four of us connecting and being funny." He continues, "Everybody is so good on that show, I really think every actor is so good. And, we're going to have crazy good guest stars this year, so I'm really excited that we're pushing even more towards comedy and the comedic stuff." Those guest stars include, Scrubs actor Donald Faison and comedienne Wanda Sykes and Marry Me 's Ken Marino.
Seeing as House of Lies is going to be even funnier during Season 5, is there any chance Parks and Recreation fans will see a bit of Jean-Ralphio from Clyde? Probably not, especially since Schwartz believes Jean-Ralphio and Clyde are "very, very different." He says,
Clyde is so dark. When he's not around Marty... I think he's home and I think he's by himself sad that he doesn't have anybody. He has been through so much. He was in rehab, he killed his father, so it's like all these crazy things. He's such a dark guy and he will do anything for money. He'll f*ck everybody over. Then, Jean-Ralphio is the exact opposite, where he just does anything that he thinks is fun. Truly. He wants to be liked so badly... It's such a different character when Clyde is so dark and cunning.
Whatever the case, at least we have wonderful Jean-Ralphio memories to always cherish and even more dark Clyde moments to look forward to.
Images: Showtime; Giphy