
Kelly Osbourne & Adele Could Be Twinsies

by Amy Sciarretto

The only celeb constants are coif changes. Seriously. After what actually felt like an eternity with light purple, side-shaved, and faux hawked hair, Kelly Osbourne has long hair again and she totally looks like vocal queen Adele! Seriously, it's those glorious, long thick locks and the extreme cat eye liner that make these two beautiful Brits look like twinsies right now.

Osbourne shared a sneak peek of images from a cover shoot on her Instagram feed. She didn't reveal which cover she would be gracing or when. But she did throw us for a follicular loop, thanks to her big, bold hair with sideswept bangs.

It's an elegant, glam, and romantic 'do. But Osbourne remained her typical edgy self, even if she did cover up her "Stories" head tattoo with this wig. She stayed cutting edge with her double-winged eyeliner. There were two flicks and it looked totally punk rock and cool.

But once you check out this black and white Insta image of Osbourne, you will totally be thinking, "Wait, is this Kelly O. or is this Adele?" With Adele all over the news upon the announcement of her new album 25, I was even more struck by the similarities between these two.


The hair and the eyeliner were just fantastic. Osbourne also teased another shot from the shoot, noting that it was indeed for a mag cover and that she had "normal colored" hair for the first time in six years. That's totally OK! "Normal colored" hair isn't boring when it looks this amazing.

Osbourne's IG feed is always a source of no makeup inspo. But it also feels like both she and Adele are indirect sources of inspo for one another. That's a beauteous thing!

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Familiar, right?

AFP/AFP/Getty Images

Gorgeous and dramatic... just like Kelly O. and her mystery cover look!

Jason Merritt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Adele rocked thick waves and statement lips.

Paul Zimmerman/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

So did Kelly back when she had "normal colored" hair many moons ago.

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Adele was a stunner with swept back locks.

Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

So was Kelly! It's worth noting that this was Kelly O. back in 2011, so she's not copying Adele! I think they somehow cosmically provide inspo to one another.

But Kelly Osbourne and Adele Adkins could totally pass for twins or sisters, thanks to their distinct styles, their thick locks, their ability to own it when it comes to black winged liner or bright lips, and their general natural beauty!

Image: Kelly Osbourne/Instagram (1)