If there is such a thing as a perfect movie, Toy Story just might be it. Pixar's first offering not only put the studio on the map, it also became an instant classic that has been beloved for 20 years now. The story of Buzz and Woody's reluctant friendship was full of adventure, comedy ("The claw!"), and a remarkable level of inventiveness that has become synonymous with Pixar. Still, Toy Story writer Andrew Stanton told Time he would make one small, but pivotal change to Toy Story if he could go back in time. If you love Toy Story as much as I do (and let's face it, everyone loves Toy Story), then imagining any changes to the movie is just this side of traumatic. This is definitely a case where you have to trust the writer, though, because Stanton's proposed change is one that could have been one of Pixar's greatest moments.
Remember the scene where Woody is trying to convince Buzz that he is a great toy in order to snap Buzz out of his funk and get the spaceman to save him so they could escape from Sid's room? There is a moment where Buzz looks under his foot and sees Andy's name inscribed there. In that moment, he realizes being a toy is as amazing as Woody says it is, and Buzz decides to rescue Woody from where he is trapped under the crate. It's a great scene, but Stanton is certain one tiny change would have made it better. Have your hankies at the ready, guys.
"Woody builds up Buzz and says ‘You’re a toy, you’re the greatest toy,’ and that leads to him confessing how much he’s never seen himself as much of a great toy. It’s his own insecurity for being this raggedy cowboy doll against this sexy astronaut space toy," Stanton told Time. "I always wanted him to just add one more beat and have him look over and see ‘Andy’ also written under Woody’s foot. Just to make that extra bit of connection of how they’re brothers, and they both have value." And now everyone is crying. Thanks, Stanton.
Even without Buzz looking over at Woody's inscription, the scene is still powerful, and it's a true turning point in the toys' relationship. At that moment, they go from pseudo adversaries who tolerate each other to friends. That truly is the moment they become Woody and Buzz. To read that Stanton's intention is for that scene to convey to Buzz he and Woody are brothers now is such a beautiful sentiment. Those two toys have become such iconic characters in the years since Toy Story debuted, it's both heartwarming and bittersweet to remember when it all began.
Stanton crafted a movie that even he acknowledges to Time that he will probably never outdo — and just to be clear, Stanton also worked on Wall-E, Finding Nemo, and Monster's Inc., so it's not like he has been slacking in the years since Toy Story's debut. With or without that extra beat, Woody and Buzz are most definitely brothers, and Toy Story remains Pixar's most important film. Its importance doesn't come from being first; it comes from its depiction of a found family welcoming a new member to their ranks, while simultaneously creating one of cinema's most enduring friendships.
Buzz and Woody's bromance will last to infinity and beyond and probably even longer, and that's thanks in large part to Stanton for crafting such amazing characters in the first place.
Images: Pixar; Giphy (3)