
6 Epic Megyn Kelly Comebacks To Donald Trump

by Hillary E. Crawford

On Tuesday evening, FOX Broadcast will air Megyn Kelly's latest interview with Donald Trump. Based on their past exchanges, the sit-down should be enthralling. The much anticipated event caps off what has turned out to be an ongoing feud between the two television personalities. The consistent banter began after Trump insulted Kelly during August's first GOP debate when she brought Trump's reputation among women to the table. Her responses have consistently been poised, as she has refused to apologize for pressing questions the billionaire-turn-GOP nominee doesn't want to answer.

A recent snippet of the interview, however, suggests the two may have put their differences aside ... at least for the moment. While previewing her interview with the candidate, Kelly said Trump was "gracious enough" to oblige her request for an initial meeting. In a clip of the resulting interview, Trump appears to have decided that he should also be gracious for her tough questions at the GOP debates.

In a certain way what you did might've been a favor because I felt so good about having gotten through. I thought, 'If I can get through this debate with those questions, you can get through anything.'

In preparation for the primetime interview, here is a list of Kelly's most perfect responses to Trump's oftentimes belligerent comments on Kelly's personality and success.

1) On Trump's Insults

During the first GOP debate in August, Kelly asked Trump about his participation in the "war on women." Later, the candidate accused her of bleeding out of her "wherever" and referred to her as a "bimbo," calling her "so average in so many ways" on Twitter. Kelly compiled this response to the insults and ended by lightheartedly saying, "now, let's get back to the news."

I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. So I’ll continue doing my job without fear or favor. And Mr. Trump, I expect, will continue with what has been a successful campaign so far.

2) On Trump's Refusal To Participate In The Debate

During an episode of The Kelly File, the host responded to Trump's refusal to participate in a second round of GOP debates hosted by Fox News. He implied that his decision was based on the perception that Kelly was "biased" against him.

What's interesting is here is Trump is not used to not controlling things as the chief executive of a large organization. But the truth is, he doesn't get to control the media ...

3) On Trump's Photos Of Heidi Cruz

Trump retweeted a meme that superficially compared the appearance of Heidi Cruz to that of Trump's wife Melania. Kelly responded simply by asking, "seriously?"

4) On Her Success

In March, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he's responsible for Kelly's fame and that she should give him "at least half of her salary." Kelly responded by saying that she's responsible for her own success during an interview with Stephen Colbert.

I have worked for everything I have ... I have worked for everything I’ve ever had. I put myself through law school, I clawed my way up, I worked for nine years as a corporate attorney to pay off my debt, I got my own job in journalism paying $17,000 a year, I worked my way up to prime-time Fox news, I had the No. 2 show in all of cable news, and then I had an August debate with Donald Trump.

5) On Reaching Out To Trump

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Kelly told People magazine that she was ready to resolve the feud between her and Trump.

I just wanted to stop. You'd get past an incident and then it would start again. It was really shocking ... I knew all along that if there could be a period of calm on his part, that I could go and approach him and we could get to a better place.

6) On Her Most Recent Interview With Trump

Mike Coppola/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

The Washington Post's Krissah Thompson talked to Kelly about her interview with the candidate. Kelly said that despite criticism that she has used Trump to boost her own popularity, it was never about her.

And, look, I have done my level best to not make this story about me. I could have gone out there every time he attacked me and said something in response. I could have milked it for ratings on the 'Kelly File' night after night. I could have talked about the security threats I was getting week in and week out. I chose not to do that. But that doesn’t change the reality of what happened.

Kelly's one-on-one with Trump will air on Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on FOX Broadcast.