
Melissa McCarthy Shuts Down 'Ghostbusters' Haters

While I find the idea of an all-female Ghostbusters reboot incredibly exciting, unfortunately not everyone shares that same sentiment. People on the Internet have complained about the women ruining their beloved franchise. Sorry, but that couldn't be more untrue. The cast — Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon — makes the movie cooler than ever. I mean, have you seen the trailer? Making the situation even better, McCarthy recently shut down any Ghostbusters haters and totally put them in their place. In an interview with The Guardian, she said,

All those comments – "You’re ruining my childhood!" I mean, really. Four women doing any movie on earth will destroy your childhood? I have a visual of those people not having a Ben [Falcone], not having friends, so they’re just sitting there and spewing hate into this fake world of the internet. I just hope they find a friend.

Yes, yes, yes. The straightforwardness of McCarthy's comments highlights the absurdity in anyone saying just because women are in the roles, it ruins an entire movie. Why can't ladies be badass scientists, too? Why should men get to have all the Ghostbusters fun? Especially when women are equally capable of taking on the roles. If anything, it took far too long to even get to that point. Maybe if women were given these kinds of movie roles more frequently, it wouldn't be considered so revolutionary. But based on all the aforementioned backlash, it's safe to say that society hasn't quite reached that point of gender equality on-screen yet.

McCarthy's statement is also on-point, because it highlights how she's doing just fine — despite strangers' negativity. She has a husband who loves her (Ben Falcone) and friends who have her back. With such a solid support system, people who she doesn't even know IRL really don't matter. Plus, by pointing out they could probably use a hobby other than writing mean comments online, she raises a great point. Shouldn't they have something better to do? Basically she's wishing them well by saying, "I hope they find a friend," instead of stooping to their level of pettiness.

Overall, the Gilmore Girls alum's response is perfect, because she points out the unwarranted comments and unfair gender bias, all while brushing it off and showing she isn't letting them get her down. And seriously, she shouldn't. Because if the trailer is any indication, when the movie finally gets here, it's going to be a total game changer.