I never really worry about the amount of porn I watch, but then again I haven't tried to cut down. I don't watch it every time I masturbate, and I certainly watch it a lot less since I've been in a serious relationship, but I am curious about how I would fare giving up porn altogether. I have a feeling it might get ugly. Or I would be super productive. I've always had a secret theory that if I never masturbated I could cure world hunger in a day. But at what cost?
That's exactly what BuzzFeed decided to figure out by asking three people who watch porn on the reg to sign off of it completely for a month. The results were mixed, to say the least. And it's no wonder that it was; I may watch a lot of porn, but I'm definitely not alone. Even though I'm in a relationship, porn is still a fairly regular part of my life. In a fact a survey of over 3,000 women by Marie Claire found that nearly a third of women watch porn on a weekly basis and 10 percent watch it every day. So a lot of us are logging on regularly.
So what does happen when regular porn watchers abstain for a month? Well, maybe you should just watch the whole video here to see how this trio fared:
And just for kicks, here are my favorite highlights. Not going to lie: I would totally be the girl who starts sexualizing everything.
Expectations: "I'm Gonna Have To Get Creative, That's For Sure."
Although all three volunteers seem to be pretty realistic about how big of a change it will be, I like this guy's honesty. Other expectations included, "Maybe I'll, uh, write a novel," and "This is gonna be a journey." Darn right it is.
Day 1: "I Want To Watch Porn."
Boom. I love that he's already talking about wanting to watch porn and clearly has just gone for a run to distract himself. YOU CAN'T OUTRUN YOUR LOVE OF PORN. None of us can.
Day 5: "Definitely More Productive."
World hunger is almost solved.
Day 12: "I'm Starting To Sexualize Less Explicit Things."
She's now watching other stuff like it's porn and sexualize everything. I totally relate. It's like when I'm about to come on my period and every time a couple kisses on screen I'm all like, "OH YEAH, COME ON NOW, JUST DO IT ALREADY!" Because I'm ladylike and all that.
Halfway: "I'm A Little Frustrated."
His words say a little frustrated; his eyes say dreaming of porn forever.
Day 25: "I Don't Have Any Temptation, Any Inclination To Watch Porn."
This dude is like a no porn robot. He cuts out, he gets sh*t done, and he never thinks about it again. Maybe it's that Catholic upbringing he was talking about earlier.
End Of Month: "I Can Watch Porn!"
Whoop! The general consensus seems to be it's good to know you can get a handle on it and don't need it, but they want to start watching it again in moderation — except for no porn robot, who apparently succeeded in eradicating porn from his hard drive completely. Although really, I'm seriously impressed. But I won't be trying it anytime soon.
Images: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle; BuzzFeedBlue/YouTube (7)