JoJo Fletcher Could Learn From 'Baby Bachelorette'
As JoJo Fletcher, 2016's Bachelorette, stares down the barrel of a very heated round of hometown dates, Jimmy Kimmel is taking to the airwaves to spoof the hit reality television show. In an installment of Baby Bachelorette on Jimmy Kimmel Live! , the talk show host poked fun at the franchise by supplanting JoJo and her men for a cast of adorable toddlers. And as hilarious as the sketch it, Fletcher could learn a thing or two from this Baby Bachelorette. Because as cute as these kids are, they’re approaching this hometown date in a way that JoJo could definitely benefit from.
After all, the Bachelorette contestant is facing four hometown dates in this week’s episode with four separate men. In addition to flying all around the country to meet their respective families, she’ll also have four times as many parents and siblings to impress along the way. That’s a lot to take on, and I’m sure Fletcher would appreciate any tips she could get.
So whether it’s the way Bianca, the Baby Bachelorette, has prepared to meet Manny’s family or the way she gets drilled with tough questions by his protective sisters, JoJo Fletcher should definitely pay attention to this skit. If for no other reason than the fact that watching babies pretend to be in love is pretty much the most adorable thing ever.

1. Always Respect The Family
JoJo should remember this from Ben’s season of The Bachelor when her brothers objected to Ben’s level of affection for their sister. It’s Jojo’s job to make the families feel at ease, which Bianca pulls off perfectly.
2. Don’t Show Your Entire Hand
See how Bianca draws out that line about falling for Manny? Bianca’s smart to not say she loves him just in case he’s not the one she chooses.
3. Be Faithful
Another man? Say it isn’t so, Bianca!
4. Finish Your Food
Those contestants never eat on The Bachelorette, but these babies have joined the clean plate club, gobbling up their peanut butter and their juice boxes in the middle of this hometown date.
5. Pink Is Always a Good Color for Hometown Dates
Bianca is killing it in that pink bow.
6. Be Ready To Answer The Tough Questions
If you think those sisters are going to go easy on you, think again. They’re going to put JoJo on the spot just like they did Bianca.
7. The Younger The Better
Some people said JoJo was too young to be The Bachelorette, but Bianca proves that age isn’t anything but a number. And love at any age is something we can all root for.
8. Keep Your Intentions Right
I’m looking at you, Manny.
9. Ring Pops Are Way Better Than Diamonds
Tasty treats win over shiny bling any day.
10. Dress Appropriately To Meet The Family
No ball gowns, JoJo. Try a modest top and feminine hairstyle like Bianca perfects in this clip.
11. Don’t Embarrass The Men
Manny looks horrified in this clip to find out that Bianca has another man. Whatever JoJo does on these dates, she should work on making the men and their families feel respected and cared for.
Now let’s see if JoJo Fletcher can handle her hometown dates as expertly as Bianca did hers.
Image: Giphy (11)