Why The Real 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Precinct Would Have A Totally Different Name IRL

Now that Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been renewed for a second season, just weeks after winning two Golden Globes, it's safe to say Fox has a hit new comedy. But with success comes attention, and besides debating whether or not Jake and Santiago should get together, we keep wondering: where exactly is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and is it real? Obviously it's not real as in, there's no precinct lead by Captain Holt with Detectives Peralta, Santiago and Diaz, but is there actually a 99th precinct of the New York Police Department? And where exactly is the fictional 99th precinct supposed to be?
Lucky for Michael Shur and Dan Goor, the series' creators, not only does Brooklyn Nine-Nine sound a lot cooler than other number options, but there's no real precinct to get into trouble with. Of course that's bad news for big fans of the show, who can't get arrested in the Brooklyn 99 (people would definitely do it) or take pictures in front of it.
It's not that the 99th NYPD precinct isn't in Brooklyn, it's that it doesn't exist, period. The list of NYPD precincts goes from 1-123, but skips numbers in between, likely due to various precincts changing their boundaries, closing, or combining with others. So Brooklyn does have a 94th precinct, but the next number is 100 in Queens.
Based on a map shown in the background of a Brooklyn Nine-Nine that Brokelyn was able to analyze, it looks like the fictional 99th precinct is in either Prospect Heights or, more likely, Park Slope. In that case, the precinct would actually be either the 77th or 78th precinct.
We'll have to wait and see whether the show ever directly states its neighborhood, but for now, just know that you're probably really watching Brooklyn Seven-Seven, which just doesn't have the same ring to it.