
The 'GG' Title Sequence Might Change

by Emily Lackey

As the premiere for Netflix’s Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Live gets closer, and as a long-time fan, I have a number of questions about what this revival series is going to look like. My mind is a abuzz with what things from the original series are going to carry over to the revival and what things are going to be left in the past. Like the title sequence. Will the Gilmore Girls title sequence be different in the Netflix series, or will the new episodes have the same images and song play at the beginning of each one?

I’m sort of assuming that they will have to be different. I mean, it’s a different network, the actual title of the show is different, and 16 years have passed since the series originally premiered. As much as I love that old title sequence — and as much nostalgia as it stirs in me every time I hear it — it would be a little odd if they just tacked that on to the new episodes and called it a day. So what will the new title sequence look like? Lucky for us, Lauren Graham has an idea.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Graham admitted that she always thought that the series title came from the Carole King song “You’ve Got a Friend.” You know, the one that goes, “Winter, spring, summer, or fall / All you have to do is call.” The song definitely seems in line with some of the show’s bigger themes: Time, seasons, and the enduring friendship between the Gilmore women. Not only that, but the song is by the same woman who wrote the original song for the title sequence. Oh, and the same woman who starred in the original series and is coming back in the revival as Sophia Bloom.

How amazing would it be then if that was the new song for the new title sequence? If Graham had her way, it sounds like that is what it would look like. In the same interview she said she “always assumed they were going to ask [King] to use that song. I don’t know if that’s true. That’s just what I figured, given that she did our theme song and is a part of the show.” Graham also weighed in on the issue of whether the sequence should be the same: “It can’t be the same.” Still, she admitted, “part of the nostalgia of the show is that opening, so… I don’t know what they’re going to do.”

It sounds like one more reason why I wouldn’t want Amy Sherman-Palladino’s job. That’s a lot of pressure to make such a nostalgic show work for a newer audience. Especially something as nostalgic as the Gilmore Girls title sequence.

Image: Warner Bros. Pictures