I don’t know about you, but personally, I really enjoy being friends with women who are older than me. In fact, almost half of my lady friends are closer to my mom’s age than my own. (My mom and I actually share several friends. My mom is also super cool.)
So when I got the chance to write about the New Year’s Resolutions older women have for younger women, I was reasonably pumped. I immediately thought about all the ways being friends with older women has enriched my life over the years, which left me feeling pretty happy. Then I thought about the likelihood that most women my age aren’t friends with older women, which was a real bummer. Honestly, I don’t know if I would be who I am today if it weren’t for the conversations I’ve had with older women. On top of that, multiple studies suggest that having some older friends can actually make you live longer.
Older women can offer a unique perspective that people my age haven’t been alive long enough to acquire. Plus, the lack of f*cks older women tend to give is both entertaining and inspiring to witness. (Truly, it’s a thing of beauty. Theirs’ is a state of mind that I continually aspire to.) For these reasons and more, you should really check out the New Year’s resolutions older women have for younger women. And if you haven’t already, maybe consider befriending a few women who are older than you.
Psst! Check out the "You IRL" stream in the Bustle App for daily tips on how to have an empowering 2017 starting Jan. 1. Right now, tweet @bustle about how you plan to make 2017 the best year yet. Use the hashtag #2017IRL, and your tweet could be featured on our app.
"Love yourself just the way you are. You are perfect now. Don't wait until you find a man, lose weight, etc."
"Looking back, I wish I would have spent more time cultivating interpersonal relationships. We get so busy with our own stuff that we forget the importance of friends — and as a result, we miss out on the satisfaction and fulfillment that friendship brings. Also, I would say try to live in the moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. And just be yourself. We're all unique individuals, and we all have something to offer."
"Work on peace of mind. Being at peace beats money, men, and mania!"
"Take time each day to enjoy God's gift of nature."
"Read everything you can, eat right, make the better choice, be stronger, smarter, and work hard to be better than you ever imagined you could be. Make sure no one grabs you by the pussy and never stop working to end misogyny and patriarchy.
Eat less meat, read Forks over Knives , How Not to Die , and understand how the food we put into our bodies impacts our health and how eating less meat makes a difference to our environment. Love your child for who they are, not who you want them to be. Enjoy every moment you spend with them. Teach them that it's really cool to be smart and encourage their dreams."
"Just live. Go for it with open mind, heart, and arms. Will there be heartaches? Sure. That's why we have Band-Aids, wine, and friends. Don't look back wishing you would have done something — just do it."
"Pick your battles."
"Invest in yourself. Women tend to become the primary caregivers for family and assorted other folks. That's who we are, and it's a good thing. But along the way we can lose ourselves. Always put on your own air mask first — make sure you are living your own life fully, then you have the resources to give what you can to your loved ones."
"Don't neglect your teeth!"
"Know yourself. As simple as this is, it's something to not be taken lightly. Knowing oneself is a journey of epic proportions that isn't accomplished overnight. It takes courage that can only come from deep within, plus a healthy understanding of what it means to have self-love. If a young woman (or any person for that matter) can realize this early on in life, then life might make a bit more sense in the long-run."
"My resolution for younger women would be that they take ownership of themselves. That they accept that they are responsible for taking care of themselves, and at the same time they are free to reject any behavior/person that does not recognize them as competent adults."
Check out the "You IRL" stream in the Bustle App starting on January 1 for daily tips on how to have an empowering 2017.
Images: Bustle; Giphy/(11)