
Is Liam Payne Acting Too Much Like A Dad?

by Emma Goddard

One Direction’s Liam Payne has always been known for his random outbursts on Twitter and his cryptic tweets about his love life. He has often been labeled as the father figure of his 1D bandmates, so it’s not exactly a shocker that Liam Payne apologized on his friends’ behalf via Twitter after a video leaked of both Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik smoking marijuana. But was it necessary? The real issue for me here is not the fact that a couple young pop stars smoked weed, it's the fact that Payne was the first to say sorry and that he even apologized to begin with. Was he the one caught smoking? Nope.

Though Payne has often been labeled as the responsible one and as a “dad” to his friends, especially in the band’s documentary This Is Us, it seems unfair to Payne that he is once again the band’s representative. Of course he took to social media on his own and it’s not like someone forced him to tweet what he did, but he shouldn’t feel the need to baby his friends. After all, they are all adults.

The string of tweets began earlier today after Payne criticized Daily Mail writer, Jan Moir, of needing to do futher research for her article about Malik and Tomlinsons’ controversial video. Of course, this is not the first time he has claimed that journalists are basically out to get him. In Payne’s defense, however, Moir’s comments saying “Like so many before them, they take fame for granted, raking in the cash and feeling it will never end,” may have been a bit harsh.

Yet after some deep reflection after reading Moir’s article, Payne took it upon himself to admit that while yes, his friends may have slipped up with their recent actions, it’s normal for people in their 20s to "do stupid things at this age." I can agree with that, but it still amazes me that his own friends haven’t mentioned anything about the incident (though that could be due to legal issues).

Any sort of apology seems unnecessary anyway —who cares that they did what they did? — so if all the boys of 1D had simply kept quiet, that would’ve been fine too. But to allow a friend to apologize for your own actions?

I appreciate how supportive and dad-like Payne is being for his best buds, but Malik and Tomlinson are should give their friend some major kudos.

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