
Her New Ads Feature Nudity And Puppies

by Olivia Muenter

It's no secret in the fashion industry that Mulberry hasn't been doing so well. And by "hasn't been doing so well," what I really mean is that they're pretty much on the verge of disappearing. With profits down a whopping 50% in the last year alone, Mulberry needed a smart new approach to their newest ad campaign with Cara Delevingne. Their plan? Throw some puppies on everything. Well, puppies and owls. And then just a touch of nudity. Because all of that seems very cohesive. Foolproof, right?

The new ads advertise a bag that was created out of a partnership and close collaboration with none other than British "It" girl Cara Delevingne. They're convertible, and can make their way from a backpack to an over-the-shoulder carry-all. Delevingne describes it as "practical," which obviously translates directly into the ads, which are complete puppies, owls and her naked back. If that's not practicality, I don't know what is.


Well, it may not make a ton of sense (fashion ads and campaigns often don't), but we're certainly talking about it. So even if Mulberry's new line of lower-priced handbags (which, by the way, are still pretty darn expensive, starting at $860) doesn't do as well as the brand hopes, they're still putting themselves in the public eye. And any publicity is good publicity, right?


The Delevingne campaign also features a video of the top model talking about her experience with the brand. It's black and white, starring Delevingne and her super-chic British accent frolicking around London in a hip hat and talking about Mulberry in slightly abstract and whimsical terms. It's artsy, to say the least. The film also features a clip of Cara sewing her own Mulberry bag. And something tells me that just didn't happen.


Yes, the ads are a little bit ridiculous. But Mulberry is extravagant, classic luxury. And what is more luxurious than laying on a couch while a white owl casually perches on your finger? Nothing.