Having friends in the Kim Kardashian iPhone game is pretty cool. They can join you on jobs, or send you gifts, oh, and having 10 of them gives you three extra K stars. But how do you get more friends on Kim Kardashian: Hollywood? For a lot of us, playing the game is a guilty pleasure so we're not going around announcing to our IRL friends that they should connect with us in the game. Without real life kontacts, it can be hard to hit that magic number 10, and frankly, playing can be a bit more boring. Having real people to play against challenges you more. For example, I was #1 when I played alone, and now that I have like 100 friends I'm #15.
It hurts my ego a bit, but it encourages me to try harder. I'd like to imagine Kim Kardashian would be proud of my work ethic. Plus, today someone randomly sent me a 90 K star dress for no other reason than to be nice. So yeah, obviously having connections in the game makes playing more fun.
If you already know how to connect to friends (if you don't, here's a handy guide) then you might just be stuck now on who to ask to connect with you. Fortunately, I have a few tips to expand your social circle in Kim's game.
Kim's game promises it won't post on your behalf, and if you sign in through Facebook, any one of your Facebook friends who is playing automatically gets added to your list. Just click the cellphone icon on the bottom right and you'll have an option to connect to Facebook. Pretty easy, huh?
If you don't have a lot of friends through Facebook, you can even invite them (click the button next to the Facebook sign in). You also get an extra K star for every new Kim K. game player you konvert.
Sometimes other people desperate for Kardashian-land friends will post their usernames to their social media accounts. Check the #KimKardashianGame or "KimKardashianHollywood or #KimKHollywood tags on Instagram and Tumblr and search words like "kim game add me" on Twitter. Chances are, they'll be glad you sought them out.
The game center app will quickly catch on that you like to play Kim Kardashian: Hollywood and will start to suggest that you connect with other people who are doing so. You can find the list of recommended players under the "friends" tab of the Game Center app.
If you have friends already registered in the game center, you can import your phone contacts and see if there's any overlap. Click on the "friends" tab and then click "show all" of your recommended friends. Then at the bottom of the recommendations page, you have the option to "use my contacts." I didn't have any, but maybe you'll have better luck.
I say yes to everyone who adds me (user name: msorren) because why not? Let's spread the Kim K: Hollywood love and get everyone some K stars in the process.
Images: Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (2); Game Center (2); Rebloggy; fiercegifs/Tumblr