In the Big Brother house, the promises you make and the alliances you keep can get you to the end of the game, or get you evicted. This Thursday we will see the latter with houseguest Zach Rance, who will most likely be evicted by his alliance The Detonators. But Zach isn't the only Detonator that might be evicted by his alliance. Frankie Grande, brother to Ariana Grande, could find himself asking Zach to hold the front door, because he, too, might be sent packing on Thursday.
Frankie's game has been almost all social this far into the season. He is friends with everyone in the house, he tells everyone what they want to hear, and he can manage to bombard a secret conversation in a matter of minutes (seriously, he shows up during every private conversation, somehow). But Frankie evicting Zach could cause him to become an even bigger target in the house due to his campaigning for Zach to leave. As Big Brother houseguest Caleb Reynolds once said (about his delusional relationship with Amber), "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." It seems that Frankie might just be biting the proverbial hand this week, if he votes to evict Zach.
Frankie has (shockingly) been one of the most vocal houseguests regarding Zach's imminent eviction this week. He is even taking a page out of Zach's book and planning what he is going to say when Zach is evicted.
But with Frankie trying to secure Zach's Big Brother fate, he possibly has secured his own. How? Well, Frankie decided that to ensure Zach leaves the house, that Hayden and Nicole think that Hayden is Zach's target for next week. He also decided that in the situation that Zach blows up the Detonator alliance, that they (Nicole and Hayden) would think that Zach tried to form it this week, and not that it was an already in place. Unfortunately, Hayden didn't buy any of what Frankie was trying to sell him. In fact, Hayden, who has played a pretty safe game this far, has set his sights on Frankie.
And Hayden is not the only one who wants Frankie out. Frankie's social game has made him the target of many in the house, including Cody and Victoria.
Even outside the house people are worried Frankie's eviction is upon us. Ariana Grande, who runs Frankie's Twitter account while he is in the house, has even commented on Frankie potentially getting evicted.
Will Frankie's betrayal of Zach ultimately lead him towards eviction, as well? With this Thursday's episode being a double eviction, Zankie might not be separated for too long.
Images: CBS