Get Them Some Gatorade, Stat!

I'll admit it: An inordinate amount of my time every day is spent thinking about the Duggars. Last night, I was on the couch a full hour early waiting for 19 Kids and Counting to come on so I could see Jill's bridal shower, and I couldn't be more thrilled that she and her new husband, Derick Dillard, are expecting a baby boy this spring. Through thick and thin, I will be the first to defend the Duggar family, despite how unconventional and occasionally problematic their life choices may be sometimes. What I will not defend, though, are their registry habits. And where Jill and Derick's baby registry is concerned, they are out of control.
Their wedding wish lists from earlier this year went beyond the typical silverware and throw blankets that you usually see newlyweds request — nope, these two asked for stuff like guns and computers. And now, from the looks of their baby registry, they're at it again. Fortunately, this time, their list (straight from Derick's employer, Wal-Mart) is way less outlandish, but that doesn't mean that I'm not scratching my head in disbelief at some of the items they thought would be a good idea to ask their baby shower attendees to purchase for them.
I give you the top 5 most questionable items on Jill and Derick's baby registry. Good luck, Baby Dilly.
Gift cards
Particularly, gift cards to Subway and Olive Garden. I understand that Mom and Dad have to eat, but their baby won't be interested in unlimited breadsticks for a good long while. This just doesn't seem appropriate to me, especially when babies need so many things.
Random drinks
Gatorade, Dr. Pepper, and Orange Fanta. I'm sorry, what? I know those are not going in their baby's bottle. And the fact that they stick grocery items on their registry will never make sense to me, even if it does save them a few bucks next time they need to pick up sugary soft drinks.
Cleaning supplies
These aren't quite as much of a stretch as the drinks are, but they're still better left on a grocery list rather than a gift registry. I also can't help but wonder what made them pick Borax and baking soda as their items of choice. If you're going to ask for presents as trite as stuff you could've grabbed on your next toilet paper run, you might as well go big. Get the fancy, expensive cleaning supplies that are good for the environment or bad for your wallet.
A fitness ball
This one I may be able to rationalize. Knowing Jill and her history working with midwives, this is probably to ease the pain of a natural childbirth — or, you know, she's putting her son aboard the Jillian Michaels train right away. It's never too early to start introducing good habits, like daily ab work after naptime!
Tracfone minutes
If asking your loved ones to pay your phone bill is becoming the norm, I can't wait to have kids. Here, Aunt Sue. Do you mind picking up my cable bill for the month? We'll call it a baby shower gift.
Images: JillMDillard/Instagram, WalMart