"Steal My Girl" vs. "Shake It Off"

I don't know how you kicked off your day, but I know I definitely started my Friday morning the right way. "The right way" = drinking coffee in my pajamas while watching One Direction’s “Steal My Girl” music video on repeat. My god, I love it. Like, I’m going to need an hour or so to just sit and think about Harry Styles’s gorgeous coif. And I may or may not have made screenshot of Louis Tomlinson holding that chimpanzee my iPhone wallpaper. And at some point during viewing seven or eight, something dawned on me: The “Steal My Girl” music video gives me some Taylor Swift “Shake It Off” vibes.
Before you tell me to sit the F down and keep my conspiracy theories to myself, know that I'm simply sharing what I observed. That's all. I'm not firing shots and I'm not brewing up conspiracy theories. I don't think one swiped the other's storyboards. I don't think anybody is a copycat. Instead, I'm going to chalk up the videos' similar elements to coincidence. Or a Haylor connection. Or the cosmos. Or all three.
No, the music videos are not exactly the same (“Steal My Girl” features a Danny DeVito cameo, a desert setting, a sky door, Sumo wrestlers, and live animals; “Shake It Off” does not feature a Danny DeVito cameo, a desert setting, a sky door, Sumo wrestlers, or live animals), but they do have a few noteworthy things in common. The ol' Venn Diagram circles do overlap. And I refuse to ignore said overlap.
"Steal My Girl":
"Shake It Off":
Ribbon is a dancer/It's a soul companion/You can feel it everywhere.
"Steal My Girl":
"Shake It Off":
Oh, what have we here? A little White Swan vs. Black Swan battle, eh?
High School Football Game
"Steal My Girl":
"Shake It Off":
Serving the judges some serious pep rally realness.
Everybody Dance Now
"Steal My Girl":
"Shake It Off":
TBH, if every music video ever ended with a giant dance party, I would not complain.
Everybody wanna to shake it off:
Images: OneDirectionVEVO (5), TaylorSwiftVEVO (4)/YouTube