
Taylor Swift Lyrics & HBO Shows Go Well Together

by Mary Grace Garis

Just when you thought you were all Swifted out, good news: The Nerdist has granted us with the most glorious mash-up of HBO's Game of Thrones and Taylor Swift lyrics the world has ever seen. Yeah, maybe you feel like you've seen it all when it comes to "Blank Space" parodies, but have you seen the mother of dragons herself Daenerys Targaryen run ethereally away from "George R.R. Martin"? Or Martin stabbing at a picture of Sean Bean, the man Hollywood loves to kill? No, you have not, and it definitely makes you yearn for more mash-ups like this.

So we're clear, slender, blonde Daenerys is acting in the Sean O'Pry role from the "Blank Space" music video, while Martin is playing the psychotic Swift in this parody, coquettishly posing with his keyboard that he uses to kill beloved characters in the A Song Of Ice And Fire book series. Really, it makes sense when you think about it: Martin and Swift are both some of the most revered writers of our time. People wait with baited breath to see what they'll do next. They use their work to systematically destroy everything they once loved. You know, they're basically the same person, minus a grandpa hat.

But, why should we just limit Taylor Swift lyrics to Game of Thrones when, in actuality, you could probably pair her music to any HBO show? Watch the parody below, and then consider the possibilities of what could have been.

The Sopranos and "Welcome to New York"

When we first took that snitch, beat him till he was sore/ Took our tortured mob wives/ Put them in a drawer/ Once you're in the family you need nothing more/ And you can want what you want...

Strippers, drugs, and gabagool/ Welcome to New Jersey/ It's been waiting for you/ Welcome to New Jersey/ Welcome to New Jersey

Girls and "Shake It Off"

My ex-man got his new girlfriend/ I'm like, "Did this all happen when I was in Iowa?"/ But I'm just gonna break down/ And to the fellow over there/ With the hella good hair,/ Why don't you come over, baby/ We can crash my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend's art exhibit, that won't be weird.

True Blood and "22"

It feels like a perfect night/ To dress up like strippers/ And make out with vampires/ uh-uh, uh-uh/ It feels like a perfect night/ For witchcraft at midnight/ And falling in love with this guy/ uh-uh, uh-uh/ Yeah...

We're sad and over-sexed and mostly dead at the same time/ It's sick and supernatural/ Oh yeah/ We're juggling about 50...hundred...thousand plot lines/ It's time.

Sex and the City and "You Belong With Me"

She wears white dresses/ I have curly tresses/ She's a 26-year-old with a bullshit name/ I'm a writer in my mid-thirties with heavy neuroses and a Natasha-specific obsession.

Images: Nerdist (1), Giphy (4)