Daniel's "Cute Factor" Pass Needs to Expire

Dear American Idol voters: please listen to the contestants before you vote. If you don't, this show turns into a cuteness contest instead of a singing competition. And that is exactly what is happening this season with Daniel Seavey. The 15-year-old earned a spot in the Top 10, and many of Idol's fans are asking why. Seavey seems to get the "cute boy" vote every week, but after his past few performances it's time for his die-hard fans to begin the mourning process. Seavey gets away with the cute factor for now, but the game is about to heat up and he'll be left in the dust of the more talented competitors.
Don't get me wrong — Seavey is extremely talented for his age. At 15, he can sing with decent technique, play multiple instruments, and impress enough people to make it to the Top 10. But does he really have what it takes to make it in the music industry? Not yet. And it's time for his fans AND the judges to realize that. Seavey's "cute boy" factor has worked for him so far, but the Idol fans on Twitter seem to be pretty sick of it.
The worst part about the Seavey obsession is that more talented singers have to go home every week so he can keep a spot on the show. This was never more apparent than when the group was cut from 16 to 12 and talented contestants like Loren Lott and Mark Andrew were sent home. Seavey just doesn't hold up to these more mature and seasoned artists. He really struggled through his performance tonight of Adam Levine's "Lost Stars" from Begin Again, which really showed his age. He could barely get through the song, but the judges encouraged him instead of giving him the notes he needs to really improve. Seavey has a really good chance of going home next week because of that performance, and it would be about time. I do hope he will come back to the show in 5 years, though, because he will definitely be ready and amazing by then.
Image: Michael Becker/FOX