
Acrobat Couple Gets Married 38 Places In 83 Days

by Emma Lord

Some of us have been planning our "dream weddings" since before we actually knew what a wedding was. At this point, I'm concerned very little with procuring someone for the actual marriage as much as I am with figuring out which exotic beach I'm going to pamper myself on when the Big Day comes. As a painfully indecisive person, hearing about this acrobat couple who decided to get married all over in the world 38 times in 83 days is basically my new #lifegoal, minus the part where they're prolifically bendy and badass. Cheetah Platt and Rhiann Woodward are midway through this dream excursion, and have already shared some of the most breathtaking wedding pictures you'll ever see.

The couple kicked off the trip on February 8th, and since then, have already traveled to Egypt, Ireland, India, Kenya, Thailand, Nairobi, Spain, and Columbia. They cleverly both got ordained before they left so they could marry each other wherever they went (note to self: get ordained as soon as possible for a convenient sneak marriage if I ever run into Andrew Garfield on the street). The locations that they've scouted are insanely beautiful, but even more captivating are the stunning acrobat poses they manage to hold for each picture.

During the trip, they're hoping to hit six continents, and use as much time as they can on their adventure to share and teach their acrobatics knowledge all around the world. At the end of the journey, they're planning a big throw-down reception in Los Angeles for family and friends, and I'm guessing after all that traveling they're going to have some BOSS food to celebrate.

In order to afford the adventure, they've put each leg of the trip and the activities on it on their trip funding page. They've also been sharing photos of the journey on Facebook and Twitter. Here are a few of the stunning images from their travels so far, all taken on Cheetah's tripod camera:







"A lot of women spend a whole lot of money on their one day, and then it’s over," said Rhiann. "I love that I get to marry [him] over and over again."

Images: Courtesy of Cheetah Platt