How To Ovulate More Regularly

Ovulation is your keynote hormonal event every month, so wondering how to ovulate naturally may be on your mind. The first thing you have to determine is if you ovulate every month. If you have regular periods and are not on hormonal birth control, then you probably do ovulate most months (about two weeks before your period). If you don’t have regular periods, then you just can’t be sure. It’s also possible to not ovulate but then still see a bleed. That’s called an “anovulatory” cycle, and it’s surprisingly common.
Short of asking your doctor for a blood test, the best way to gauge if your body knows how to ovulate naturally is to look for physical signs of ovulation. Physical signs include a change in vaginal mucus and the position of your cervix, as well as a measurable rise in body temperature.
But what if you aren't seeing these signs, and you're not sure if your body knows how to ovulate naturally? What can you do about it? I discuss all these strategies and more in my new book Period Repair Manual, but here are seven ways to get you started.
1. First, Learn About The Benefits Of Your Natural Hormones To Know If Your Body Ovulates Naturally
As a doctor, I’m a cheerleader for women’s hormones. I’m talking about your own natural hormones — the kind your ovaries make — not the kind you get from a pill. Estrogen and progesterone are to women what testosterone is to men. These hormones boost serotonin, mood, and libido. They enhance metabolic rate and promote healthy weight loss. Estrogen and progesterone are truly great stuff, but they’re not always easy to make.
A man can make a steady flow of testosterone, as long as he has testicles. It’s different for you and your ovaries. You can’t make a steady flow of estrogen and progesterone. Instead, you make waves of hormones both before and after you ovulate (release an egg). As you get ready to ovulate, you make estrogen, and that’s why you feel brighter and more confident in the middle part of your cycle. Then, shortly after you ovulate, you make progesterone which is a soothing, calming hormone. Make enough progesterone, and you won’t have as bad PMS.
Beyond helping your body with knowing how to ovulate naturally, the benefits of your natural hormones are many, and you can read about how they affect you week to week here.
2. Understand How Non-Hormonal Birth Control Affects Ovulation
All methods of hormonal contraception (birth control pill, injection, implant, and Nuvaring) work the same way: They shut down ovulation, so they shut down your naturally occurring hormones. Of course, they replace your hormones with similar synthetic steroids, but in my professional opinion, that’s not good enough. Synthetic steroids like ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel are not beneficial in the same way as real hormones. They have different actions. (For example, the pill’s progestin (levonorgestrel) causes hair loss, but real progesterone promotes hair growth!)
Non-hormonal contraceptive methods include Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), condoms, cervical cap, and the copper IUD. Speak to your healthcare provider to find out what's right for you.
3. Understand How Nutrients Affect Natural Ovulation
It takes a lot of nutrients to release an egg, and also to form a temporary progesterone-secreting gland (called the corpus luteum). The corpus luteum is amazing. It grows from a microscopic nothing to a fully vascularized four centimeter structure in less than one day, which makes it the fastest growing tissue in the human body, hands down. No wonder you need nutrients!
For your body to fully know how to ovulate, you need all food groups. You need sufficient protein, iron, and zinc which you can most easily obtain from eggs, meat, and fish. You need magnesium from green veggies, and healthy starch from potatoes and squash. You also need fat such as butter and olive oil, so don’t starve your ovaries. Enjoy full meals each and every day, and your hormones will thank you.
4. Commit To Stressing Less For Ovulation
Stress is a major problem for ovulation. When you’re stressed, a part of your brain called the hypothalamus actively decides that it’s not a good time to make a baby. Therefore, it’s not a good time to ovulate.
Reduce stress by working less and resting more. Schedule time for a yoga class, and take that riverside walk with your friend. Remember: It’s all in service to your hormones.
5. Sleep More — It Does Affect Ovulation
Hormonally speaking, sleep is a very important time. Sleep reduces stress hormones, which is good for your hypothalamus and your ovaries. Sleep also regulates a pituitary hormone called LH, which is essential for healthy ovulation.
Aim for eight hours as often as you can get it. If you have trouble sleeping, make some changes. Cut back on coffee and set some boundaries around bedtime. No work and no bright computer screens for at least two hours before you lay head to pillow.
6. See Your Doctor If You're Worried About Your Ovulation
If you’re nourished and rested, and you still don’t ovulate, there might be something else wrong. It’s time to have a chat with your friendly family doctor or OB-GYN. They'll run some tests, and hopefully figure out if your lack of ovulation is due to an underlying medical problem such as thyroid disease or polycystic ovarian syndrome. From there they can get you on a more comprehensive plan for how to ovulate naturally.
Then your best strategy is to correct that problem. Fix your health, and you fix your ovulation.
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