The MTV Movie Awards, probably the chillest event in Hollywood, are on this Sunday at 8 p.m. If you like celebrities in casual clothes getting awards for the movies you actually saw last year (no disrespect to Oscar winners), then you better make sure you catch this year's ceremony. If you're too cool to have a television or cable, how can you stream the MTV Movie Awards?
Luckily, you can watch the movie awards right on MTV's AllAccess website starting at 3 p.m. ET on Sunday. That's so easy! You don't even have to enter your cable information to stream. It's free! No need to stress, just get ready for the show. In time for the premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the entire Marvel super crew will be onstage to honor Robert Downey Jr. with the Generation Award. Not only will the celebrity moments be priceless, but should be pumped to see Amy Schumer hosting!
Think about how much you'll be able to accomplish on Sunday with the MTV Movie Awards playing on your laptop or tablet. You could simultaneously watch the Game of Thrones premiere and/or the new episode of Mad Men. You could take the show on the road... all around your house, apartment, or dormitory. You could wear headphones, sit on the floor, or have a dance party! You'll be taking part in this communal experience across all countries and time zones. Streaming is a beautiful thing. Plus, if the show is anything like the sneak peek clip below, it's going to be a fun night.
In fact, those of us catching the livestream will be privy to some fancy new technology as well. Live carpet coverage will be enhanced on MTV using Twitter's live-streaming Periscope app that will use 3D graphics to create an all-new immersive experience for the MTV Movie Awards audience at home. You'll have to download Periscope to your device to see that content.
Hopefully, this will help the app to regain their image as well. While Periscope's "Where I Write" author series is a great exploration of the writing process, there have been issues with the app as some users abused the system for sexual harassment. A representative from Twitter told Cosmopolitan that there is a "team dedicated to content review," and the magazine explains that the app's policies prohibit sexual and graphic content. I think an event like this using Periscope could help to focus on the positives of the new technology.
Periscope isn't the only way MTV is utilizing social media for their livestream. One camera, focused on the star-filled MTV Movie Awards audience, will be "locked" — you'll have to tweet the hashtag #FrontRowUnleashed to gain access it on the livestream. All of this really helps to bring people together and make this feel like you're part of one big viewing party. Our generation livetweets everything anyway, and this is a great way to harness that energy.
Images: MTV Press; Giphy