
Feminists Have A Lot To Be Excited About Right Now

by Kathryn Kattalia

Happy Hillary Day! Hear that sound? It's the sound of feminists all over the country collectively shouting for joy over the fact that Hillary Clinton is running for president. After months of keeping us all on our toes wondering if she would, in fact, make another run for the Democratic ticket, on Sunday Clinton officially made it known that she's out to rock the 2016 elections — and Clinton's views on feminism and gender equality are definitely going to be a major campaign selling point, if her official announcement video is anything to go by.

The video, revealed on Sunday afternoon, focuses on family and relationships, and seems largely targeted toward the millennial crowd (which is important, because the youth vote is going to be crucial to Hillary winning her seat at the Oval Office). The crowning moment of this cinematic masterpiece (whatever guys, I'm excited) comes at the end when Clinton looks at the camera and proclaims "Every day Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion," but the entire two minute lead-up to Hillary's face time is full of feminist moments that prove gender equality really is a huge priority for Clinton's campaign. Clinton's video tells stories of women of all ages and backgrounds, from females in the workforce to moms actively seeking out better educations for their daughters. The message is pretty clear: empowering women makes us a stronger nation, and Hillary is here TO DO WORK.

So what specifically does Hillary's announcement video tell us about her stance on feminism and gender equality? Here are a few things I think we can safely say will be part of her platform:

1. Education

A solid education is key to empowering young girls — a point Hillary reiterates by introducing us to this young mom, who tells us she's moving so that her daughter, who is starting kindergarten next year, can belong to a better school. Clinton has spoken before about the importance of building girls' confidence from an early age and providing them with all the tools they need to break down derogatory stereotypes.

Worth noting — Clinton's video also features a young boy preparing for a school play, which just stresses how absolutely necessary it is to teach all children — male and female — about equality at an early age in order to foster a more open-minded and forward-thinking generation.

2. Balancing Family And Work

Politicians aren't exactly winning any prizes for catering to hardworking moms — America continues to be one of the only countries in the world that still doesn't implement paid maternity leave laws. As one woman in Clinton's video states, she's choosing to go back to work after five years of raising kids. Women — and moms specifically — continue to have to work hard for respect regarding their family and home-life decisions. Whether you choose to stay home to raise a family or decide to enter the workforce, it's good to know you have Hillary on your side. As Clinton says herself, "When families are strong, America is strong." And because families can come in any shape and size, it's beyond encouraging to see that women are being supported in whatever role they choose.

3. Jobs

While women continue to make enormous strides at breaking down gender barriers in their careers, we're still not there yet when it comes to achieving complete equality. And as young women continue to follow their dreams — Clinton's video shows one female college student looking for jobs before graduation — it's just as important as ever for women to fight for fair wages, benefits, and respect from their male colleagues. This has been a longtime cause for Clinton (the Clinton Foundation recently released a data-driven survey analysis breaking down the recent gains and gaps of gender equality), and will most certainly be something she continues to be a voice for.

Clinton's entire announcement video is filled with gems and definitely appeals to all different types of audiences, so make sure you watch it for yourself:

Of course, gender equality has always been a priority of Hillary's, and the fact that this powerful female leader wants to be a champion for the American people is enough to make my feminist heart explode with euphoric excitement. Here are three other recent times Hillary championed for feminism and gender equality.

1. When She Spoke About The Importance Of Girls Getting Strong Educations

While at a Clinton Global Foundation event in March 2015, Clinton used the stage to talk about gender issues — not politics. "When women and girls have the opportunity to participate, we can lift up not just ourselves, but our families, communities, even our countries,” she said.

2. When She Reminded Us There's Still So Much More Work To Be Done In The Name Of Gender Equality

While giving a speech at Georgetown University in February 2014, Clinton called gender disparity the "great unfinished business of the 21st century” and stressed the importance of “giving women the tools and resources to break through barriers … to fully participate in their governments, economies, and societies.”

3. When She Launched Her "Not There" Campaign To Mark International Women's Day

Hillary proved her social media savvy in March, when she used Twitter to launch her No Ceilings campaign's "Not There" initiative, which started an international conversation about the mass inequality that continues to exist on a global scale.

So in conclusion, fellow Hillary fangirls, it's a wonderful day to be a feminist. Here's to 2016.

Images: Giphy