
Life Lessons We Can Learn From Amy Schumer

You know who's been on everyone's radar recently? Amy Schumer, comedian and feminist icon extraordinaire. It's for a number of good reasons, too: The star of Inside Amy Schumer not only knocks both stand-up and sketch comedy out of the park, but also uses her comedy to empower women, poke fun at ridiculous stands placed on women and men, and criticize other problematic and sexist aspects of society. The fact that she's making jokes and having a sense of humor about it just makes it all more effective, too. So what sorts of life lessons can we learn from Amy Schumer? Plenty, it turns out, because she absolutely speaks the truth.

Let's look to some of her latest sketches for examples. Take the one called "Girl You Don't Need Makeup": A musical number where four boyband-esque men are initially telling her she's perfect without makeup, it skewers unrealistic beauty standards once the men start cringing when she wipes her makeup off. They even encourage her to put it back in because they "spoke too soon" and tell her she'll be "the hottest girl in the nation with just a little foundation!" And then there's "Last F**kable Day," which also happens to be one of my favorites. In it, Schumer runs into Tina Fey, Patricia Arquette, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus having a picnic in the woods, and while the skit is a funny discussion between the four, it's also sharp commentary on what Hollywood does with actresses when they get older (hint: it gives them bad roles and treats them like crap).

Throughout her sketches, Schumer inadvertently offers some really great advice and life tips. Here are some things all of us should learn from her and apply in our day to day lives:

1. It's OK to be really honest about what you like and don't like.

2. Sexting is really hard.

3. Sometimes, it's OK to be a hot mess.

4. Being vocal about your sexuality is important.

5. Wine is oftentimes the only solution to any problem.

6. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sitting at home, stuffing your face, and watching gaudy romance films.

7. Or being comfy at all moments of the day.

8. Society will constantly be placing ridiculous expectations on you...

9. But no matter what, take pride in what you do and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Images: Giphy (9)