We Need A Peggy Olson Spinoff, Stat

With Mad Men coming to the end of its run, many of you, like me, are probably struggling with the mental anguish as you prepare for Mad Men to leave our screens forever (except when we binge watch all seven seasons on Netflix again, of course). As with most beloved shows, there are many who hope a Mad Men spin off will happen. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul proved that a hit show could do a spin off that is both unique and successful. I don't want to face the idea that Mad Men will be leaving me forever and so I'm coping in the best way I know how: denial. So, I'm here to give you eight reasons Peggy Olson deserves a spin-off show.
In one interview, Matthew Weiner revealed that AMC wanted a Peggy spinoff from early on (as well as a Sally spinoff) but he resisted it. Sandra Stern, the COO of Lionsgate TV said of the show:
There was a time we wanted a Peggy spinoff, too, and, a la Better Call Saul, a minor character going off to L.A. [...] Matt wasn't comfortable committing to a spinoff.
Though Weiner has resisted from the beginning, many are still hopeful for a spinoff featuring either Peggy Olson or Sally Draper. Though it seems to be a near impossibility that we'll get what we want, we must persevere. We must not give up hope. We must imagine a future full of our favorite Mad Women. Please, AMC, look at all the great reasons Peggy needs a spinoff and just do it already.
AMC Wants a Mad Men Spin Off
As I previously mentioned, AMC execs liked the idea of having a spinoff. They want it, we want it, let's make it happen! Sorry Matthew Weiner, you're outnumbered.
... And So Does Elisabeth Moss
In this interview with HuffPost Live, Elisabeth Moss admits that she'd be totally down for a Mad Men spinoff that would feature not only Peggy, but Christina Hendricks' Joan as well — and follow the duo opening their own agency. Moss said, "I would totally do that because I love Joan so much, and I love Peggy and Joan's relationship. I think [Hendricks] is one of the most incredibly brilliant actresses. She devastates me whenever I watch her."
Peggy Is A Straight Up Badass
Peggy isn't afraid to push the envelope or yell at Don Draper or piss people off. She's creative and doesn't take no for an answer. Peggy's the hero we've always wanted but never knew how badly we needed until she came along.
She's an Independent, Take-Charge Kind of Woman
Peggy is used to leading the charge and taking care of business on her own. She could easily carry her own TV series with ease. Peggy's ready. Are you?
She's a Good Role Model
Peggy is a great role model for young women everywhere. She breaks steroetypes daily and isn't afraid to be her own person. We need more Peggy so young girls everywhere can learn how to be a badass.
Her Character is Malleable
The transformation of Peggy's character from timid seceratery to fierce copy chief has been simultaneously seamless and yet very pronounced. We've seen her navigate the '60s and the early '70s with panache; I think it's safe to say that a spinoff which takes us into the '80s with Pegz would be highly entertaining, and show us the multi-faceted nature of her character.
We Love Her
We love Peggy. We need Peggy. We must have more Peggy.
A Peggy Spinoff Would Probably Mean More Joan
A world without Joan Holloway is a world I don't want to be a part of.
Images: Giphy (7)