The Best Of 'Southern Charm's "Shep-isms"

I feel like I should be honest with all of you: I wasn't always the biggest fan of Bravo's Southern Charm . I initially found the characters to be pretty grating, and as a born-and-raised New Yorker, I found the traditions and expectations of Charleston society to be a little bit archaic. Also, once I saw Patricia's personal bartender/butler and matching pink Birkin bag and revolver, I kinda figured that these people weren't exactly my homies. However, that was my life B.S.R. — Before Shep Rose. He has entirely changed my view of the show over the past two seasons. He is a gem and a half, and my life has been forever improved by Shep's various wonderful nuggets wisdom, which will henceforth be referred to as "Shep-isms."
Just a brief look at his various social media endeavors should give you an idea of all of the valuable knowledge he's packing. I mean, his Instagram handle is @relationshep and he has his own blog on Charlestongrit.com called "Shepic Fail." Once you've finished lol'ing at all of his well-placed puns, you have the opportunity to peruse his work, and you'll find that he's just full of fun quips and quotes. There's a lot to look at, so I'll make it easy for you: Here are 9 of Shep Rose's best Shep-isms.
On His Dreams In Life
"Leisure is what I'm passionate about."
I mean, same. It's nice that I finally have someone to look up to in my endless hunt for the perfect level of leisurely living.
On His Everyday Life
"You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll climax."
This is his Instagram bio, and it's the literal greatest thing I've ever seen. And no, I'm not using "literal" in the basic bitch kind of way. It's literally the best.
On His Desire To Settle Down
"I don't like asking permission for anything ... I yearn for freedom, like William Wallace."
This joyous Braveheart comparison brought to you by Shep's commitment issues, Andy Cohen, and the Southern Charm Season 1 Reunion Special.
On His Family
"I could sit down with a spreadsheet and tell you all about it."
The new go-to response when someone tries to get all up in your personal business.
On Leaving Charleston
"Welcome to the North, where people honk and flip you off."
Those lyrics were originally supposed to be included in Taylor Swift's "Welcome to New York," but for some reason they didn't make the final cut.
On The World At Large
Challenge Impossible.
On Dating Older Women
"I don't pause at menopause."
This is an actual thing he said on national television and I couldn't be happier about that.
On Sex
"It feels so good, I can't stop."
And on that note, I bid you all adieu. Make good choices, everyone!
Images: Brianna Stello/Bravo; Giphy (3); sidewindervx, hahanotnormal/Tumblr; Pandawhale; Wifflegif